Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Please hurry. It feels the way the demons feel to me. Not just dark mage but demon. He is using a combination.

Afanasiv heard the warning in her voice. She was concerned he might not recognize the hybrid. It wasn’t the first time he had seen such a thing. I spent much time in the underworld, sívamet. This mage is not giving us his best work because he doesn’t think he has to. I want him to think that as long as possible.

“Tell me, Vasilisa,” Barnabas said. “We were having this discussion at one of our meetings regarding the youth of today and how far their morals have fallen. What are your views on having children out of wedlock? Your personal views and the views of the royal family.”

Vasilisa exchanged a frown with Skyler. Lada put her head down with a soft moan that earned her a sharp reprimand from her mother.

Those in the sitting room went still, so still it felt as though the air held its breath. Skyler deliberately picked up the gold inlaid glass set in the gold filigree stand and took another drink of the tea. Even her motion didn’t change the way those in the room fixated on Vasilisa. They stared at her, the men with piercing, fanatical eyes and Polina with an overbright, judgmental air.

Vasilisa appeared perfectly calm. Very regal. “That’s an interesting question to pose in this day and age, Nikita. I would have to give some thought to it, especially as you grouped several topics together. I would have liked to have heard the discussion you had. Don’t you think every few years, this very topic has been a concern? Some parents try to address it, and others refuse to acknowledge there might be a problem. They want to leave it to schools, which is absurd.” She pressed her fingers over her mouth. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Why not?” Barnabas countered. “Why shouldn’t you say that schools shouldn’t be the ones to teach our youth about sex?”

“I didn’t exactly say that, Nikita. That’s why I shouldn’t have said anything at all. I get misquoted often. Andros says I have a runaway mouth, and I’m not to express my opinions on any subject. The one you’re talking about is very controversial.”

Barnabas crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back. As he did so, he moved his fingers in a slight gesture toward their two guests. Afanasiv felt the energy rushing toward Skyler and Vasilisa. Dimitri followed the path, making certain to protect both women by staying in front of them. The energy went to the teapot and the cups. For the briefest of moments, the black current tea bubbled and then subsided.

He changed the chemical property, Dimitri reported. Skyler, I am certain the tea is tainted now.

Skyler brought the cup to her lips and appeared as if she were drinking. He did indeed. This would make me very sleepy and compliant. She put down the cup.

“Why shouldn’t you be able to give your own opinion, Vasilisa?” Barnabas asked. His voice had turned very compelling. “Does your brother insist on being the only royal to state what he believes in public? I thought he was more progressive than that.”

Now, my lady. As if you are killing a bug that landed on your cheek. Afanasiv slipped under her skin and waited for the moment she complied.

Vasilisa slapped her palm hard over the spot on her left cheek where the terrible little creature had been embedded. She kept her hand there, not looking at anyone in particular but reaching for her teacup. Simultaneously, Afanasiv struck at the hideous demon, incinerating it in a flash of white-hot energy before it had time to even try to run.

“Are you all right, dear?” Polina asked.

“I’m very sensitive to bites,” Vasilisa said. “I’ve got some kind of skin thing.” She shrugged. “It’s a nuisance, nothing more. I was bitten by something earlier, and the sensation keeps recurring. I apologize.”

“Really, there’s no need,” Stepan said. “I have a daughter. I know how these little things can bother and be so distracting.”

She managed to look embarrassed as she replaced her teacup without drinking. “My brother would be mortified that I acted this way in front of all of you. I really am disciplined. It’s just that bugs on my skin . . .” She gave a delicate little shudder.

You can let go of your cheek now, sívamet.

Vasilisa rubbed the spot gently with two fingers and then brought her hand almost reluctantly down to her lap. Barnabas’s eyes glowed a dark crimson as they bored into her. He wasn’t happy at all, and it showed. He stared at her cheek and then lifted his hand to rub at his temple where a vein throbbed.

“You didn’t answer the question,” he pointed out. “You’re not drinking your tea and you’re refusing to answer the simplest questions.”


