Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Andros looked up with his hands over his face but fingers spread wide. “Why do you think she loves me? Did she say she did? She’s never said it to me.”

“Take me to her,” Afanasiv ordered, forgetting he was speaking to royalty and his brother-in-law.

“I’ll give my consent to the marriage if you can get her to say yes to marrying me,” Andros promised.

“We’re already married,” Afanasiv said, exasperated. “I care nothing for your consent. Vasilisa is my wife. My woman. My partner. And you already have consented.”

“I have?”

“Yes. Because you love your sister and she deserves to be happy. Anything less than full consent would be petty and beneath you.”

Andros scowled at him. “I can see I’m always going to have problems with you.”

“Only if you make Vasilisa unhappy. Take us to see Lada. I believe the outcome will be what you have wanted all along.”

You want to make certain she doesn’t belong to the Sacred Circle, Vasilisa said.

I am certain this woman is in love with your brother. It doesn’t add up that she would turn down his proposal of marriage. She had to know he was going to ask her. There is a reason, my lady, and I fear it has something to do with her parents and their fanaticism.

It will break his heart. He is drowning under the weight of his responsibilities.

Then we will work faster to get to the bottom of whatever is happening here. Afanasiv was certain Lada had some part in the drama being played out in the middle of the royals’ territory. He wanted to question her without Andros present.

“It will be best if you allow Vasilisa and me to speak with your woman without you there so she is free to say what she feels,” Afanasiv said as they followed Andros out one of the five doors of the great banquet hall and down another corridor.

Andros threw a wary look over his shoulder but didn’t stop walking. The palace was spacious and had a multitude of rooms. It was also a little drafty. Afanasiv took in the various entry and exit points, everywhere there could be a vulnerable place that the palace could be penetrated easily if under attack. As fast as he assessed the problem, he found a solution to fix it. His mind worked that way and did so at a rapid rate of speed. He was aware of Vasilisa following his thought process, keeping up with him every step of the way.

I never considered that the atrium might be a way for our enemies to infiltrate the palace. The glass is bulletproof. The material on the roof and sides is reinforced with every protection I could think of. Even if they used C-4, those wards should hold.

Perhaps, but there is no harm in adding to your protections.

“Stop talking telepathically,” Andros snapped. “The buzzing in my head is adding to my headache. If you have something to say, just say it.”

“We were discussing how better to defend the palace against an attack,” Afanasiv said. He lengthened his strides until he walked beside Andros. The man was holding his pain in, refusing to allow it to spill out where his sister or Afanasiv could feel it. This wasn’t just an ordinary headache.

“Wait, Andros,” Afanasiv ordered. “Let me examine you. Gaia made certain Lilith no longer had you under her control—she did that with each of you—but Lilith may have been able to plant something else in you.”

Andros halted immediately. He pressed both hands to his head. “I feel like my skull is too tight, and any minute, my wolf is going to emerge and go rogue. I feel him raging. Snarling. He isn’t like that and yet I can’t seem to control him.”

“Lilith managed to get your blood, Andros,” Afanasiv pointed out. “I need to examine you. I must have your consent.”

“Yes, just do whatever you need to, but fast. My wolf is very agitated. Every time I look at Vasi or think of her, my wolf becomes enraged.”

Afanasiv didn’t wait. Nicu, I have need of you. I do not think Vasilisa is safe. I believe her brother Grigor, Lada and Karine will target her. Grigor most likely will come at her as a wolf. I am searching Andros now in the hope of finding what was placed in him that has been activated to create such hatred for my lifemate.

“I have asked that my brethren join us. If there is something in you, Andros, there could also be something in your brother and the women, all targeting Vasilisa. My lady, Nicu is closest, right outside. Please allow him in to guard you. Once he is inside, I will see to your brother.” He didn’t give her an option, forestalling any argument by simply stating he would wait to help Andros until she was protected.


