Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

“Dimitri speaks the truth, Afanasiv,” Petru said. “You did not break the code of honor.”

Nicu nodded. “There was no breaking the code.”

Benedek agreed. “Absolutely, there was no breaking the code. You upheld the code of honor better than most could have done, Afanasiv.”

Razvan and Ivory nodded their heads. “Without a doubt.”

“You will have to worry about one thing for certain, I fear,” Dimitri said. “Lilith is possessive and vengeful. She doesn’t like to be thwarted. You have something to lose now, where before she couldn’t get to you. Now you have a cherished lifemate. You and Vasilisa prevented her from getting the royal blood. Specifically, Vasilisa’s blood. Why do you think hers was the most important of all?”

That should have scared Vasilisa, but it didn’t. Vasilisa wasn’t the ultimate goal. She was a means for Lilith to get to Afanasiv. She wasn’t the true prize.

“Why would she need to be a daughter of Mother Earth when she commands the underworld?” she asked. “The two aren’t compatible. The underworld is all about twisting and mutating nature, and Mother Earth is all about growing and nurturing.”

“Lilith doesn’t exactly command the underworld,” Afanasiv countered. “Lucifer does. He allows Lilith her little rebellions because it amuses him. If she goes too far, he reins her in very fast. She doesn’t like being under his thumb, but she knows better than to try to take over. She isn’t powerful enough.”

“Does she think having Dragonseeker blood would give her more power?” Razvan asked Ivory. “Would it?”

Ivory frowned as she considered the possibility. “It would aid her. Being a daughter of the earth would certainly give her far more power and aid her in ways she probably hasn’t even considered. A combination of the two, the blood and becoming accepted by the earth, might give her what she needs.”

“If she could also control the beast behind the gate, if she had all three powers,” Vasilisa mused aloud, “she might be able to wrest complete control from Lucifer.”

“I don’t understand what that means,” Ivory said. “What gate? What beast?”

Vasilisa had never made such a mistake before in her life. Not to her brothers and not to anyone else. The color rose under her skin. She shook her head. “It is nothing. You’re right about her trying to find a way to take the power from Lucifer.”

“That’s a big gamble. If she failed, she would be punished for a thousand years or more,” Ivory said.

Vasilisa was grateful Ivory didn’t insist on an explanation. She shouldn’t have engaged, just stayed out of the conversation altogether. The things Afanasiv had disclosed had thrown her. She just needed time. Inwardly, she shored up her defenses and kept chanting that mantra over and over in her head.

“She has Xavier and Xaviero with her. Two high mages with enough spells to cover just about anything she would need. Who could counter that combination? She just has to keep them happy and on her side,” Razvan said.

“Xavier wanted the blood of the royals,” Nicu said. “He has some scheme up his sleeve as usual. I would venture to say that it is Barnabas who’s planting subversive ideas in the Sacred Circle’s collective consciousness. He is known for persuading people with his voice. If he is here, we will have to find him and remove him. No matter what you do, he will continue to turn your people against you and your brothers.” He spoke to Vasilisa directly.

She nodded her head. There was a gentle flow, a probing, as Afanasiv started to say something to her, but she had deliberately raised her shields, barricading her mind against him. She was unsure of her thoughts and didn’t want to say, do or even think something she couldn’t take back.

Afanasiv looked at her quickly, his eyes going a deep green, then golden with only a few flecks of green. He had a focused stare now. Alert. Predatory. The stare of a great jungle cat before it brought down its prey. She felt the wolf in her respond, come close to the surface to protect her. Her heart responded to the dangerous interaction between them. She couldn’t stay in Dimitri’s house surrounded by Afanasiv’s brethren. She had no allies here. They were all his. Her wolf would be torn to pieces if she tried to fight her way out.

She stood up, a smile plastered on her face, portraying a look of serenity and feminine sweetness. She had perfected that look over the years, practicing until she knew she could fool the entire council if necessary. The council was made up of the elder Lycans who were very good at spotting lies or misdirection any of the royals might give. Because they kept the land clear of vampires and demons but didn’t want to reveal the gifts they had to anyone, they often had to be very careful what they said to the council.


