Darkest Desire (Kindred Tales – The Twisted System #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors: Series: Kindred Tales - The Twisted System Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 85794 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 429(@200wpm)___ 343(@250wpm)___ 286(@300wpm)

“Good,” Sirex said, interrupting her thoughts. “Now come on—let’s see if they’ll let us stay.”

He pushed her gently away and then rose and took the leash attached to the harness to lead her back to Lord Thruck and Undersecretary Y’sfer.

“As you see, I have punished her,” he said, nodding at Phoebe, who was still sniffling quietly. “I don’t tolerate backtalk from my females. Now tell me about these non-con bracelets. Can you guarantee me they won’t hurt my woman in any way?”

“A most entertaining punishment,” Lord Thruck remarked and Phoebe couldn’t help noticing that his piggy yellow eyes were gleaming with satisfaction. “Y’sfer, call a female up so we can show our new friend Sirex how the non-cons work.”

“At once, my Lord!” Y’sfer pointed to a female who was kneeling on the floor near them. “You—Be’ti’ta? Come here!”

“Yes, my Lord?” The girl had pale blue skin and darker blue hair that complemented her natural coloring. She also had blue eyes which widened as she got up quickly to obey Y’sfer’s command.

“Good. Now, then—stand right here where this gentleman can see you,” Y’sfer instructed her.

The girl stood in front of Sirex, where Y’sfer pointed, her blue eyes wide with apprehension. She had on nothing but two thick silver manacles and an elaborate three-point silver harness much like the one Phoebe had on, only her nipples were pierced with two silver hoops. The chain for the leash of the harness ran through the two loops, which hung down to dangle near her belly button.

“Now Be’ti’ta—touch yourself,” Y’sfer commanded.

“My Lord? I’m afraid I don’t understand,” she protested.

The Undersecretary rolled his eyes at Sirex as if to say, “Women.”

“Very well, I’ll be explicit—touch your breasts,” he told her. “Play with your nipples.”

Her face went a paler shade of blue.

“But, my Lord⁠—”

“Just do it! Or I shall I have you flogged for half an hour?” he demanded, glaring at her.

“Yes, my Lord.” The girl raised her hands to her mostly bare breasts, a winching expression of anticipated pain on her face.

Soon enough, Phoebe saw the reason for her expression—the moment her fingers made contact with her breasts, sparks flew between her fingertips and her nipples and a zap! could be heard.

With a little cry, the girl named Be’ti’ta pulled her hands away.

The display reminded Phoebe of what happened when a bug flew into one of those electric bug zappers and got fried. It was completely inhumane but Thruck and Y’sfer seemed to think it was a good joke because both of them burst into laughter—which in the case of the huge Trollox was a high, irritating tittering which immediately got on Phoebe’s nerves.

She felt a burst of indignation—she wanted to tell the bastard off for making that poor girl hurt herself! But before she could say a word, Sirex turned and gave her a stern look and a short, sharp shake of his head.

Phoebe swallowed her rage and clenched her hands into fists. What was wrong with her? She’d been just about to blurt out her feelings yet again, even though her ass was still stinging from his punishment. She had to keep a better reign on her emotions.

But the display wasn’t over yet.

“Very good, Be’ti’ta—now touch your pussy,” Y’sfer demanded.

“But, my Lord…” Her big blue eyes were pleading for mercy, but it was clear she wasn’t going to get any.

“Do it now!” The Undersecretary demanded.

Biting her lip, Be’ti’ta reached for the soft mound of dark blue curls nestled between her thighs. This time her fingertips didn’t even get within an inch of her pussy before a series of bright, electric sparks jumped between them.

“Ow!” she gasped, yanking her hands away.

“There—you see?” Thruck said, turning to Sirex. “The non-con bracelets simply keep a female from touching her pleasure zones—which should be only for the male who owns her to touch.”

“What about the rest of her body?” Sirex demanded. “And what about taking a bath or a shower? I don’t wish to electrocute my female—she’s extremely valuable to me!”

“Oh, she can touch other places—just not erogenous zones. Be’ti’ta, touch your hair,” Y’sfer told the hapless blue girl, who was still standing there.

“Yes, my Lord.” She reached up with one hand and touched her long, straight blue hair, running her fingers through it.

This time there were no electrical shocks or sparks, Phoebe noted.

“See?” Y’sfer said to Sirex. “And as for bathing, the non-cons are quite safe in the water, as long as your female doesn’t attempt to touch her naughty zones while she’s wet. I recommend you bathe those areas yourself. But of course, that’s only if you’re staying overnight with us, which I rather doubt.”

“Well…” Sirex seemed to be considering his options but Phoebe knew there weren’t any. It was either put on the non-con bracelets or get kicked out of the palace and give up on the mission.


