Debase Read online Rachel Van Dyken (Elite Bratva Brotherhood #1)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Elite Bratva Brotherhood Series by Rachel Van Dyken

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 108119 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 432(@250wpm)___ 360(@300wpm)

They didn’t ask questions.

They didn’t mock me.

They said “done” and minutes later, we walked in together, as a team, as a family.

I would take it to my grave, the way it felt to have the Italians ready to shoot on sight for offending what was mine.

I would never admit that I didn’t say thank you because I wasn’t sure I could get through it without trembling, without tapping my foot, without looking weak.

So, I nodded my head at them.

Got a few middle fingers back.

And got into the car.

Alice was quiet as she sat next to me, her face ashen, her thigh high boots kissing her skin with their smooth leather making me want to dip my hand between her legs and shove her skirt up past her hips.


Petrov Prostitute.

Those bastards should count themselves lucky that I didn’t want her to see all the blood I would spill and hold it against me.

Because I had driven to that school with the purpose of killing.

And the only person that was able to stop me, to talk me from the ledge, was Phoenix, followed by a gruesome looking Chase who just shrugged and said, “It was messy, didn’t have time to clean up.”

The old me would have mocked him, said something to insult him and make him feel less than.

But I couldn’t see past the rage.

Couldn’t feel anything but the hard rhythm of my heart as it thudded angrily against my chest with the need for retribution, to hurt them the way they hurt her.

Some of the anger was misplaced, and maybe misdirected at myself, because I’d called her a number, I’d called her a whore. I had done those things, justified them because I was trying to protect her.

I swerved my black Maybach to the side of the road, my hands still gripping the steering wheel as I stared ahead.

Alice didn’t move.

I clenched my jaw so hard that pain shot down my neck. “Are you okay?”

Slowly she turned to me and laid a hand on my shoulder. “Are you?”

I counted her soft breaths.

One, two, three, all unhurried, all patiently waiting for me to fill the silence with something other than her breathing, something other than the painful beat of my heart.

I felt too much with her.

And all at once.

Her fingertips, I focused on her fingertips, in the way they dug softly into my shoulder, watching, waiting, comforting.

I got out a hoarse “no.” And finally released my grip on the steering wheel and turned to her.

Pink cheeks, full lips, wide green eyes, measured breaths, and worried posture.

She was everything I wasn’t supposed to want.

“You saved me again.” Her hand was still on my shoulder.

“No.” I shook my head. “I think you have that backward, dorogaya. It’s you who has saved me.”

Her eyes widened.

And I acted.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, leaned over the center console, and jerked her against me, swallowing any protest she might have on her lips, tasting her with my whole body with every sense on fire.

It was passion.

It was painful.

It was us.

A chaotic mixture of all of my nerve endings firing too fast, too intense, but I didn’t want to stop it anymore.

Maybe because I couldn’t.

I was losing the war.

No, I wasn’t losing.

I was forfeiting.

And winning all at once.

She moaned against my mouth as my hands roamed down her shoulders, pulling open her white oxford shirt. I kept one hand on her trembling body while I moved the other down to her skirt.

Her hips bucked as I slid my hand up her naked thigh. “I’m keeping you.”

She softened against me, kissed me again, dragged her lips across mine over and over again. “Good.”

She spread her legs for me.

And I nearly died.

So, trusting to a man who promised he’d murder her if she asked.

To a man who didn’t deserve to be touching anything so pure.

To the devil himself.

“Alice…” Her name felt like worship. Maybe for someone like me, it was.

I didn’t know how to navigate what I was about to ask her, what I was about to take from her.

Or what I would give her.

All I knew was that if I couldn’t hold her anymore, if the warmth, the life, left her body.

I would die.

I’d never loved anyone before.

And I’d never loved myself.

Maybe it was love.

Maybe it was obsession.


Maybe a little bit of all three.

I didn’t care.

“Alice.” I said her name again because it felt like being baptized.



I moved my hand from her thigh and pulled away.

And then I reached into my pocket and pulled out the knife Luca had given me when I agreed to go under cover with the FBI for him, when I agreed to turn against my own blood, when, according to him, I became my own man.

“I bled against this blade,” I whispered. “So did Luca. A blood oath isn’t just a promise. It’s a completely unbreakable bond.”


