Depth of Field Read Online Riley Hart (Last Chance #1)

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Last Chance Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 84002 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just have a lot on my mind,” he finally answered Ryan.

“Everything okay with your mom?”

The words were like needles in his skin. “Yeah, fuck. I can have shit going on in my life that has nothing to do with my mother, ya know?”

Ryan frowned. “Sorry…I didn’t mean—”

“No, I’m sorry.” Shane shook his head. “I’m obviously having a bad day and I shouldn’t take it out on you.” He also shouldn’t be having a bad day. He’d come down a gorgeous man’s throat the night before. He should still be experiencing a post-orgasmic high.

“I’m around if you need anything. We can go out and get a beer tonight if you want.”

His immediate response had been to open his mouth and say yes. He got to the opening of his mouth part right but then remembered he had plans with Van. “I can’t. I appreciate you asking though.”

“No problem.”

Someone came into the shop and Ryan went to take care of them while Shane continued his work.

What had he looked like, sitting on that chair last night, cock spent, come all over him and lips red from Van’s kiss? He wanted to know. Wanted to see himself through Van’s lens like the photographs of all the other men he couldn’t get out of his head.

“What the fuck is wrong with me?” Shane muttered to himself. He sure as shit wasn’t a nude model. He wouldn’t know the first thing about it. Plus, he wasn’t positive he wanted that many people seeing him naked.

Shane had managed to finish out his work day with minimal fuckups and not too much thought of Van on his knees, and wondering what he’d looked like to the other man.

He made a trip to the store, grabbed some steaks, baking potatoes, salad, and beer, because grilling wasn’t complete without beer.

When he got back to his truck, he sent Van a text telling him he was heading home and the other man could come anytime.

The reply came back almost instantly. Perfect. Coming now.

Shane smiled. Without me?

Hopefully not. ;)

He cocked his head as he looked at the text. He hadn’t been sure if last night would be a repeat performance but he had to admit, he wouldn’t mind if it was. When did he get to fuck around with someone for a couple weeks straight? He might as well enjoy it while he could. If you’re lucky, he texted back before tossing his cell to the seat beside him.

Shane made the quick drive home, parked his truck, but left everything inside as he made the trip to his mom’s. “Honey, I’m home!” he teased.

“Hey, you,” she called from the living room. “They have a Harry Potter marathon on TV. Wanna watch with me?”

A stab of guilt pierced his gut. He hated the fact that she sat there alone most of the time. That he would be off next door with Van and she likely wouldn’t even be able to come out. But there was another part of him that didn’t want her to know about Van. He didn’t have much of anything in this town that was just for himself. Just his, and Van felt like that, however fucked up it was.

“I’m going to barbecue and have a friend over,” he told her. “Do you think you might feel like coming out? It’ll do you some good.”

Immediately she shook her head. “No…I…don’t think I can handle that today. You have fun with Ryan.”

The knife in his stomach dug deeper. It was right next door. “Are you sure?”

“Don’t worry about me, Shane. I’m fine. You know I love Hermione. I’m going to enjoy my show. Plus, my knitting club is coming over tomorrow. That’ll get me the social aspect I know you’re stressing about. Sometimes it’s like you’re the parent instead of me.”

All the time, was his first thought and he was immediately frustrated with himself over it. None of it was her fault. “I forgot about that. Let me know what you need for snacks and stuff and I’ll make sure I pick up some things at the store.”

She smiled up at him. “You take such good care of your mama.”

He didn’t feel like it though. He didn’t feel like he took good care of her at all.

By the time he made it outside, Van was already heading down the driveway. A wave of nervousness rushed through him.

“Hey,” Van said to him as he stepped out of the car.

“Hey, yourself,” he replied, and then, “Holy shit. I’m pretty sure I just sounded double my age.”

That earned him a chuckle from Van. He winked. “If that’s the case, you look damn good for your age.”

“You grew up to be a flirt.” Which, Shane had to admit, he liked. It wasn’t often he got flirted with. Gay man in a small town hazard.


