Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

Her body surrounded his with that scorching fire, so tight now, gripping and milking, working his cock over and over. Her ragged breathing was music. Her mewling cries and little accompanying hitches filled his mind, adding to the amazing sexual tango rushing through his system, every nerve ending alive.

Then his vision was blurring, the edges of reality fading further until there was only the two of them in a world of bright hot colors and pure feeling. He felt like they were spinning together, winding tighter and tighter until they were bound so close in that web of pleasure it was impossible to separate them. Sharing the same skin, the same body and mind, they’d been thrown into a vortex, a mind-blowing world he wanted to stay in—with her. She’d given him back life. A way to live. A sanctuary.

He collapsed over her, his head on the mattress beside her, one hand at the base of her spine, fingers spread wide as he rubbed soothingly, whispering softly to her to help bring her back. Her body continually shuddered, still rippling with aftershocks. He could feel every one of them, the clamping around his spent cock, desperate for more, still trying to milk more seed from him. Each squeeze on his sensitive cock sent streaks of fire like lightning jolts up his spine.

Ordinarily, his kitten would curl up all night with him in the bed, and he’d take care of her, gently petting and loving on her, waking her when he woke and needed or just wanted to play, but Scarlet was new at this and she’d given so much. She was exhausted. He forced himself to breathe, to rouse his body when all he wanted to do was drag himself on the bed with her and sleep. Gently he pressed a kiss onto the base of her spine and removed the tail. Another spasm ran through her body. He rubbed her cheeks.

“Stay still, baby, don’t try to move. Let me take care of you.”

It took a few minutes to find his strength before he could make his way into the bathroom to clean the tail properly and then himself before getting her a hot washcloth and warm towel. He cleaned her as gently as possible, taking his time, making certain he was thorough before drying her off. Gathering her in his arms, he shifted her into the middle of the bed and drew up the covers. She watched him with sleepy eyes as he returned the tail to the jeweled box and the towels to the hampers in the bathroom.

Absinthe returned to the bed and gathered her into his arms. “You were amazing, Scarlet. Thank you for playing with me tonight. You gave me a gift beyond any price.”

She pressed her lips to his throat. “I was surprised that I liked it so much. At first, I wanted to be a kitten for you. I thought if it made you happy, why not? I found I felt safe. You made me feel cherished and beautiful.”

“You are cherished and beautiful.”

She rubbed her face against his chest, the action making him think of a little kitten. She had those tendencies naturally whether she thought so or not.

“Strutting around the room for you really made me feel sexy. I was so turned on all I could do was think about sex. I could barely breathe I wanted you so much.” The confession came out in a little rush. “That tail is the most sensual thing I’ve ever seen. It never occurred to me I’d think that way.”

He smiled. She really was a natural. “I want to try so many things with you, Scarlet. I like that you respond to my voice and my commands.” He drew his finger down her arm and felt goose bumps rise immediately on her skin. That was a good sign. She was still very responsive. He wanted her to always think of their bedroom as a place where she immediately went into her submissive kitten role. Or her librarian role. Or his loving, beautiful wife. He had it all with her.

“I didn’t know what I was doing so I’m sure I didn’t please you as much as I could have the first time out. I’ll do some research on behaviors and mannerisms.”

His heart clenched hard in his chest. For a moment he couldn’t respond. She was doing so much for him. He had been going to suggest she do a little research, but she was already one step ahead of him. His fingers settled in her hair and he massaged her scalp gently. “Don’t think you didn’t please me, Scarlet. You were magnificent.”

She turned her face up and kissed him again. “I’m so tired, Absinthe, I can barely move.”

“You’re going to be sore as well. I would have gone out to the hot tub, but you aren’t used to any of this yet. You’ll build stamina.”


