Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

Her breath caught in her throat. At first it felt amazing. His mouth. The massage. The warm oil. A slow burn growing heated, then hot, now it was a fierce fire. He took the chandelier rubies from where they were nestled in the velvet box and held them up as her breath hissed out.

“Is something wrong, kiska? You’re made for fire.” He reached down with his oil-coated finger and rubbed her bare pussy lips. “That’s why I had to leave some of your curls. That’s why every jewel is a high-quality ruby, especially the one that will be on your finger.”

Every jewel in the harness was real? On the collars? The leash? Was he crazy? That nearly distracted her from the burning on her bare lips and her nipples. Almost. The burning in her nipples seemed to streak through her body to leave her sex arousing her all the more. It made no sense, and yet still, it burned through her, straight to her most private core. Her gaze was on his hands as he put one of the chandelier rubies back and opened the screw of the other one.

“This is an alligator clamp. See the rubber tip? That keeps it from hurting. I’m going to put it on and apply the amount of pressure you just felt and enjoyed when I pinched with my teeth and fingers.”

While he talked to her, he deftly applied the first clamp, adjusting the screw, watching her face as he tightened it. When her breath caught, he added another twist and then slowly lowered the golden chain of three large rubies each surrounded by small diamonds. She felt that bite instantly and the additional flare of scorching heat rushing through her left nipple and breast, streaking straight to her sex. Absinthe flicked the chain and set it swinging, turning his head to watch the light play through the rubies, displaying the exquisite fire onto the wall.

“Beautiful,” he breathed and bent to press a kiss onto the top of her head. “You’re so beautiful, my little kiska. In a room filled with other kittens and their masters, I would always be the envy of everyone.”

That made her wonder how often he’d taken other women into rooms filled with other men and their kittens.

He tugged and rolled her right nipple, the oil on his fingers spreading the heat easily so that it roared through her body as he applied the second clamp and flicked that chain as well. He sat back for a moment, playing with the chandeliers as if she were an object, his plaything, and that fed the fire building between her legs.

“Such a good little pussy. So patient. Get down and turn around for me.”

Scarlet did so, putting both hands on the carpet. The moment she did, her breasts shifted in the harness and the chandeliers dropped, the weight of the gold, diamonds and rubies tugging at her nipples and renewing the fire of the oil.

Absinthe began to knead and massage the cheeks of her bottom, rubbing the oil all over her skin, along the seam meeting her thighs and then pouring a liberal amount into the crack between her cheeks. She gasped and fisted her hands into the thick carpet. He continued massaging and rubbing the oil into her skin, casually sweeping the thick lubricant down that seam, over her inflamed clit and pussy lips, flicking and circling with that heat and then pressing a coated finger deep inside her.

“You’re already slick, and so tight, little pussycat.”

She couldn’t help rocking her hips back. The burn had already started. The oil was fierce, much hotter than the other one. With every movement, the chandelier rubies on their golden chains rocked so that the clamps pinched down onto her nipples, sending more darts of fire straight to her sex.

Absinthe didn’t pick up the pace like she needed him to. He kept that slow massage and then found her little star and began to push his thumb deep over and over. He poured oil into her and used his finger, pushing all the way to his knuckle while he rubbed her clit and pinched it so hard it felt like the fire in her nipples. She undulated her hips, pushed back onto his thumb and then his finger, helpless between the two sensations.

“This is another tail Ice made for you. I designed it. I love this one in particular. It’s a little longer and fluffier, rides higher. The plug is larger, longer and thicker, and goes a little deeper, but it should be comfortable and fit the contour of your body. If it doesn’t, you have to tell me, especially if you’re going to stay my pussy all night.”

When they had played “pet” throughout the week, he’d kept to the smallest plug, making certain she was comfortable at all times. She turned her head to look at him when he said the plug was bigger. That scared her a little. He lifted the tail to show her. It was gorgeous. Much fluffier than the other one. Blazing red, scattered with even more gems. This one had diamonds and rubies twisted among the red fur of the tail. The plug was thicker and longer. The glass was a brilliant red like the rubies, with a wide base.


