Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

He stroked her belly soothingly when he felt her body coil tight, blowing warm air over her hot lips and inflamed slit. She was so responsive. She was a little fucking miracle. “What do you call me, moya literaturnaya ledi?” he prompted softly, more to back her off from the edge of the precipice. She was so close.

He rubbed his face on her inner thighs. He didn’t want this to be over. He wanted inside her, but he wanted more time. He knew that once he had her, she would start to retreat. She was very conflicted about what she wanted. And he was very certain about what he wanted.

“Absinthe.” His name came out ragged. She caught his hair in two tight fists, trying to drag his head back between her legs.

“What is it you want, miledi? If you want it, you have to tell me.”

“I’m so close. Please finish me off. Your mouth. Your cock. I need you.”

He licked at the drops of sweetness, savoring them. So good. “I need you to be more specific, baby. My mouth? Is that what you want? Or my cock? I’m fairly large. I’m going to stretch this little pussy of yours. It might hurt if you’re not ready for me.”

He used his fingers, pushing into her, scissoring, deliberately finding her G-spot and stroking until her hips bucked and she cried out his name. He instantly backed off, once again using his hand on her belly, caressing her soft skin. He stroked her swollen lips and then between her cheeks, spreading her sweet-smelling honey all over her and then licking it off.

“Your cock, Absinthe. I want you inside of me. Please. God, I want your cock. I can hardly stand waiting another second.”

He couldn’t wait either. Not another second. He kissed that flower pulsing now with desperation and then either thigh before very gently lowering her legs to the ground blanket. “Since you asked so nicely, how can I possibly resist a lady’s request when it’s put so sweetly and with such enthusiasm?”

He came up on his knees between her legs, keeping her spread wide for him. Damn, she was beautiful. The more he looked at her, the more he thought he’d never seen a woman so absolutely gorgeous, especially in the throes of sexual need. She was definitely a true redhead with her pale skin. He decided he might want a little landing strip where all those curls were. Or the curls. They were sexy. But the landing strip would show more of her and give him more to explore and her more to feel.

He circled the thick girth of his cock with his hand, his heart pounding right through the thick vein, thundering through the blood filling that steel spike until he thought he might explode. He had to force calm into his voice. Force that low velvet command he knew she needed. Her eyes clung to his face and then dropped to his cock. She licked her lips, her eyes so darkly sensual a groan escaped him.

“Wrap your legs around my hips, Scarlet.”

She did so immediately, without hesitation or question, her eyes remaining on his cock. He pumped his tight fist up and down, needing the shattering pleasure shooting through his body, and then without further preamble he lodged the broad head into the slick heat of her entrance. His breath hissed out of his lungs.

“That’s good, baby. Now put your arms up over your head.”

She licked her lips and did what he told her. Blood pounded through his veins and hammered through his cock. She was so perfect. The action took those perfect breasts and jutted them straight up, so her nipples rose toward the canopy and let him see how excited she was. He could see the flush over her entire body. More importantly, she obeyed him without question, something he needed from her.

He pushed steadily, watching her face. She was so fucking tight it shocked him. She was scorching hot. He didn’t back off, not for a second, watching her the entire time, those green eyes, the shock on her face as he pressed into her slowly, letting the burn consume them both. She started to buck her hips, to press herself onto him, and he shook his head, stopping her. He wanted a slow invasion, inch by slow inch. Taking her over. Letting her feel him coming into her. Letting her know who he was.

“Don’t move your arms, not until I tell you, that’s so perfect. You’re so beautiful.” She was. In every way. He reached down and caught her right leg, wrapping his hand around her thigh and rubbing soothingly. “That’s it, miledi. Do you feel me inside of you? That’s where I belong. Right there. Sharing your body. Your skin. Tell me how it feels for me to be inside you.”


