Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

“You drive way too fast, ledi.” That velvet voice was a low growl. A reprimand that slid over her, bringing more flames, this time fiery tongues that raged between her legs and stormed into her feminine channel, a blaze that wouldn’t stop and only he could put out.

“I needed to get to you,” she admitted simply. It was the truth.

“I told you I wanted you alive, Scarlet.” He brushed a brief kiss across her lower lip and then caught that pouty curve between his teeth.

Her heart accelerated and blood thundered through her clit. Her breasts suddenly felt swollen and achy, too large for the sexy lacy bra she’d bought just for him.

He bit down gently, all the while looking into her eyes. It was so intense. She felt like she was drowning in all that strange light blue. No one had eyes like he did. He mesmerized her when he looked at her with that dark intensity that stole her will. She knew this man could command her to do anything. If he’d told her to take her clothes off right there in the parking lot, she would have for him.

“Alive is better than fast, isn’t that what I said, baby? Alive is the most important to me. I’m grateful you wanted to get here, that means a lot to me, but that road can be dangerous, and your safety is what matters the most. I trust that the next time I say that to you, you’re going to listen to me.”

“Absinthe.” She was a better-than-average driver. There hadn’t been any danger.

His hand slipped to the nape of her neck. “Scarlet, I searched for years for the woman I could actually feel something for, let alone fall in love with. One I could have that kind of mind-blowing sex with. One I could talk to without wanting to lose my fucking mind. A woman who could bring my mind peace when it was so chaotic from feeling everyone’s emotions. Years, babe. Fucking years. I never thought you existed. I walked into that library looking for a little peace. Just a little. And I found you. Do you think I want to risk you? I don’t. Not for any reason. I don’t want you taking risks when you don’t need to. Not for a few extra minutes when I want a lifetime with you.”

She blinked up at him, afraid she had stars in her eyes. He was … wonderful. “I’ll be more careful.”

“I want you to listen to me and do the things I ask you to do.”

She had listened. She always listened. She loved his voice and went over and over every word he said. She couldn’t help it. She nodded. “I will.”

His smile was slow in coming. That one that started so slow it seemed to take forever so she found herself anticipating it. Watching that slow climb from the small quirk of his lips to the sheen in the crystal blue of his eyes. Her stomach dropped and did a slow roll and then the butterflies took wing. Did they really need to talk? Maybe they should just find a room somewhere. Talking wasn’t as great as people made it out to be.

He bent his head again and kissed her. If he gave her kisses every time she did what he wanted her to do, then she was going to be so obedient he was going to be in heaven. He could have anything he wanted. She was addicted to his kisses and the best sex in the world. Her body turned pliant, boneless, melting into his. Little sparks of electricity snapped and sparked over her skin, bright and hot. Fire roared in the pit of her belly. She couldn’t think straight. She clung to him when he lifted his head.

“We’d better stop before we get arrested.”

“I suppose.” She sounded pouty even to her own ears. “Although it would be worth it.” She glanced down at the vest she was clutching with both hands. It took a moment to come down from the sexual rush his kisses produced to register what he was wearing.

Her mouth went dry. She tried to step back but he was holding her close, one hand still curled around the nape of her neck. She let her palm slide from his shoulder to one of the patches on the front of his vest. “You’re in a club.”

His blue eyes looked down at her, clear and innocent. “Yeah. All eighteen of us. Big club. I told you, we were all raised together. Now we ride together and look out for one another. I want you to meet them, but first, I want us to talk. This was one of the things I wanted to tell you about.”

Scarlet hesitated, blinking up at him. She took her sunglasses off very slowly. “I’m not really fond of MCs, Absinthe. And before you think I’m judgy, I have reason to be.”


