Deviant (Boys of Winter #3) Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Boys of Winter Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 127941 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 640(@200wpm)___ 512(@250wpm)___ 426(@300wpm)

He gives it to me again and again, each time working me faster and deeper until my body is wound so tight that I can’t possibly take it anymore. “I’m going to come,” I cry out, twisting my hand in his tight grip and threading my fingers through his.

“Then give it to me,” he growls, dipping down low and sucking my nipple into his mouth, grazing it with his tongue. My whole body jumps, and as his fingers come up and flick over my clit, I completely come undone.

My orgasm tears through me like a freight train and I clench down on his cock, feeling my whole body shaking with pleasure. My pussy convulses and I meet his stare, watching as the pleasure completely overwhelms him and he comes hard, shooting his warm seed deep inside of me as he keeps his body moving, letting me ride out my high.

The second my body finally begins to ease, Carver releases his hold on my wrists and I instantly reach up and pull him back down to me, but he flips us so I’m resting against his chest, listening to the rapid beat of his heart.

We lay still with his fingers gently tracing circles over my left ass cheek for a few minutes, both of us just needing a second to mentally go over everything that just went down in this room.

When my heart finally settles, I climb up and straddle his hips, looking down at his gorgeous face. “So, we’re really doing this?” I whisper, terrified that he might take it all back now that the moment has passed.

Carver brings his hand up and trails his knuckles down the side of my body, gently brushing over the curve of my breast, taking it all in as though he’s looking at a Greek goddess. “We’re doing this,” he murmurs. “I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be an adjustment. But, every time I walk in a room to see you fucking one of my friends, it gets a little easier.”

“So, what you’re telling me is that I need to fuck them more, and in places where I’m sure you’re bound to see us and after maybe a few hundred times, you might just be cool with it?”

Carver rolls his eyes and, in a flash, his hand is spanking down on my ass. “I’m not that opposed to it. I’ve gotten used to it over the past couple of months. It’s easier knowing that they’re in love with you too.”

“They’ll never hurt me,” I promise him. “Just like I know you won’t.”

Carver nods, his eyes softening. “I know,” he whispers. “But does this mean that you’re finally going to come back to my bed? I’ve fucking hated not having you there.”

A smug as fuck grin twists across my face. “Then you shouldn’t have been such an asshole,” I remind him. “But you know that I don’t have those nightmares anymore?”

“I know. I used to sneak into your room at night and sit by the end of your bed, just to make sure they were gone,” he tells me, making my brow arch right up into my hairline. “But … fuck. You're not the only one who struggles to sleep when the darkness seeps in. Maybe I need you too."

A wide smile stretches across my face and I put that little nugget of information away, saving it for later. “We’ll see,” I tell him. “But now you have three other guys who all want me in their bed too. It’s not so simple anymore. You might just have to get in my bed and prepare yourself for Cruz to accidentally spoon you in the middle of the night.”

Carver grins back at me. “You think you can scare me off with a little bit of man spooning?” he laughs. “It’s not the first time I would have woken in the middle of the night to find Cruz moaning in my ear. That kid needs to work on his boundaries.”

My hand drops to feel the tight ridges of his abs. “Speaking of boundaries,” I grumble, nerves flooding through my veins. “If I was riding you right now and the boys walked in and wanted to join, are you going to send them away or are you down?”

Carver reaches up and pulls my bottom lip out from between my teeth. “As long as I get to see your pretty face when you come, I’m down for just about anything.”

A grin tears across my face and I rock my hips against him, feeling him hardening beneath me. I raise up onto my knees and take his big cock in my hands as I feel his seed dripping from within me, mixing with my arousal. “Well then,” I say, lowering myself down onto him. “Why don’t we test that theory then?”


