Don’t Fall for Your Ex-Boyfriend’s Brother (Magnolia Ridge #5) Read Online Logan Chance

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Magnolia Ridge Series by Logan Chance

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 280(@200wpm)___ 224(@250wpm)___ 187(@300wpm)

Violet listens carefully, her expression thoughtful as she processes everything I’ve told her. After a moment, she tilts her head slightly, a small frown creasing her brow. "Hmm," she hums, considering her words carefully. "Maybe you should ask Tripp what his deal is."

The suggestion hangs in the air between us, simple yet profound, and I feel a slight shift within me. It’s a logical step, but the idea of confronting Tripp about it makes my heart race with anxiety. Still, Violet’s right—I can’t keep tiptoeing around this forever.

"Yeah," I nod slowly, feeling the weight of her advice sink in. "Maybe I should."

Chapter 26


After Sunday dinner, I called Millie, hoping to return to her place, but she was hanging out with her friend, Violet. For the first time in weeks, I went home alone. The place felt strange, like I was somewhere I didn’t belong—somewhere I didn’t want to be.

As I walked through the door, the emptiness of my apartment hit me harder than I expected. However, it has been some time since I sat down and wrote. My time has been so focused on being with Millie in the comfortable bubble we’ve created, that finishing my book was the last thought on my mind. Now, however in the quiet of my apartment, with thoughts of Millie flooding my mind, I find it’s the perfect time.

I sit at my desk and open my computer, fingers hovering over the keyboard. The emotions swirling inside me are almost too intense to put into words, but at the same time too intense not to write. Taking a deep breath, I begin to type, letting my feelings for Millie bleed onto the page through the male character of my story.

He had never known a love like this—one that consumed him from the inside out, leaving him breathless and vulnerable in ways he never thought possible. Every moment with her felt like a gift, a precious fragment of time that he wanted to capture and hold onto forever.

She wasn’t just a part of his life; she was the very heartbeat that kept him alive, the reason he woke up each morning with a sense of purpose. When he looked at her, he saw more than just the woman he loved—he saw his future, his forever. The thought of losing her, of not being able to hold her and whisper his love into her ear, was unbearable.

He loved her with a ferocity that both scared and thrilled him. It was as if his heart had been waiting for her all along, and now that she was here, he couldn’t imagine a world where she wasn’t. She was his everything—the calm in his storm, the light in his darkest hours. And he would do anything to protect her, to keep her safe and happy, because she deserved nothing less.

He found himself constantly in awe of her—of the way she smiled at him, as if he was the only person in the world that mattered; of the way she laughed, a sound so pure and joyful that it made his heart swell with pride that he could be the one to make her happy. She was his muse, his inspiration, and the very reason he wanted to be a better man.

With her, everything felt right. There was no fear, no doubt—just an overwhelming sense of peace that came from knowing she was his, and he was hers. He wanted to spend the rest of his life showing her just how much she meant to him, how deeply he loved her, because she was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him.

And he knew, deep in his soul, that he would never stop loving her. No matter what challenges they faced, no matter how dark the days might get, his love for her would remain steadfast and unyielding. Because she was the one—the one he had been waiting for, the one he had been searching for. And now that he had found her, he would never let her go.

I pause, my heart pounding as I re-read the words. It’s almost too raw, too real, but I know it’s the truth. What I feel for Millie is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. The male character’s love for the female character is my love for Millie.

The words flow effortlessly, as I continue, as if they’ve been waiting to be written. Time becomes a blur as I pour everything he has into the final chapter.

Then, suddenly, it’s over.

My fingers hover above the keyboard, and I stare at the screen in disbelief. There it is—those two words that seemed so far away, so impossible to reach: The End.

I finished my book.

Mondays suck as a rule, but this Monday is the Monday-est Monday ever. I feel like it’s been a week since I last saw Millie when it’s only been a day. I haven’t told her yet about finishing my book and I’m half as excited as I am nervous. Which makes working today seem like torture.


