Dragon Royal Bastards MC – Tulsa, OK Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Biker, Dark, M-M Romance, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70651 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 236(@300wpm)


You won’t survive.

It’ll fucking gut you, you lovesick idiot.

Snapping up the keys, I throw her a wave. “If doing this gets me out of this bullshit heart-to-heart, then fine. Don’t be surprised if I move into your love nest, though, if this all goes to shit.”

Her antagonizing grin transforms into a sweeter smile. “You’re my family. You’ll always be welcome at my home. Don’t be such a drama queen, though. The world isn’t always seconds from imploding.”

I stride out of the clubhouse, not listening to anything else she has to say. Sneaking into the garage at the main house, I find Filter’s bike—because he’s a fuckface for sleeping with Calla and deserves to get his bike stolen—and fire up the engine. Bermuda peeks his head out the door, gaping at me. I flip him off because fuck him too.

The cruise down the winding roads to Lake Keystone does nothing to calm my nerves. With each passing mile, I grow more and more pissed off. We’re a good couple, dammit. We’ve been to hell and back and survived. In bed, we’re on fire, but outside of it, the connection remains, sparking whenever each other is near. Fuck Dragon for pushing me away.

I park next to Katana’s bike at the dock where Dragon keeps his boat. He’s been restoring this houseboat with Katana according to the gossip mill that is the Royal Bastards. I’d been too stubborn to come down and take a look until now.

As soon as I shut off the engine, I can hear Dragon’s laughter. It’s so carefree and happy. My stomach twists and tears sting my eyes. I want him to be like this, but I wanted to be there with him. Was I just a phase?

Blinking back the pain clawing at my eyes, I focus on my boots, putting one foot in front of the other. I won’t be deterred or back out from fear of the unknown. I’m going to face him—this, us—head-on.

I stumble to a stop when I spot him. Squatting on the dock beside the boat, a paintbrush in hand and a cigarette dangling from his lips, Dragon is a sight to behold. All of the tattoos on his arms and back glisten in the sunshine. I can see the crack of his ass peeking out of his black jeans. He’s gorgeous, which makes this more difficult. There’s almost a boyish quality about him with his dark hair hidden beneath one of Bermuda’s ballcaps that’s flipped backward.

God, he’s so hot.

And mine.

Whether he likes it or not.

“Dragon,” I bark out before I lose my nerve. “We need to talk.”

He glances over at me, a smirk tugging at his perfect lips. His green eyes greedily drink me up, which confuses me. I don’t understand the avoidance when it looks as though he could devour me with his stare alone.

“So talk, Baby Prospect.”

“You’re avoiding me.” The hurt in my tone is embarrassing and I hate I can’t hide it. “Why?”

His humor fades and his features harden. I gulp down my nerves as he rises to his full height. He flicks the cigarette to the deck and stomps it out before tossing the paintbrush into a bucket.

He’s coming for me.

A thrill shoots down my spine, finding its way to my cock. It thickens and strains against the denim it’s imprisoned in.

“Avoiding you,” he mimics, the taunt in his tone heating my blood. “More like, I was busy, baby.”


The relief that courses through me nearly has me falling to my knees. I’m such a predictable sap.

“Busy doing what?” I demand, craning my head up as he comes to stand right in front of me, towering over my smaller frame. “Tell me.” I poke a finger into the center of his chest. “Tell me what was so important that you didn’t want to see me.”

Okay, so maybe Stormy is onto the whole sassy bottom thing…

“Are you done throwing a bitch fit?” Dragon asks, humor glittering in his green eyes.

“No,” I say, fighting the tremble in my bottom lip. I’m on a roll now. “I’m not. You don’t get to do this to me. To us. You don’t get to be busy and avoid me. You’re my goddamn boyfriend and this is not okay!”

His large palms reach up to cradle my face. He strokes his thumbs over my cheeks. I melt against him, needy for his touch and affection. Warm lips ghost over mine, urging a moan from me.

“It was supposed to be a surprise but someone chose to be bitchy and ruin said surprise.” He kisses me hard. His words are annoyed, but his kiss is anything but. “Now you have to help.”


He pulls away and takes my hand in his. I’m forced to follow him back over to where he was working. Dragon’s Baby. The words are painted on so carefully and with such perfection it steals my breath away.


