Dream Spinner (Dream Team #3) Read Online Kristen Ashley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Dream Team Series by Kristen Ashley

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 138315 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 692(@200wpm)___ 553(@250wpm)___ 461(@300wpm)

“I’m good, honey,” Don replied.

She studied him closely again, apparently saw what she needed to see, and moved to the door.

Don didn’t offer Axl his hand this time.

But Axl did.

Her father had no choice but to take it, and Axl held firm as he said, “Good to meet you, Don. Thanks for the beer.”

“My pleasure.” It was not. “Have a good night.”

“Will do,” he replied.

They were then out, and they didn’t talk on the way to the Jeep.

But he was sure to hold her hand again.

He’d barely switched on the ignition when she said, “Right, from the arctic air I’m guessing it didn’t go too great.”

“It went. And it’s done. And we’re all moving on.”

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“I’m fine.”

“Was he okay?”

“Don’t think it’s a surprise that he wasn’t happy the guy he just met was telling him what to do in his own house. But considering what we were talking about, he gets me, and he didn’t push back.”

She had nothing to say to that.

“You think you’ll catch it next time,” he surmised.

“I don’t know. Like I said earlier, I’ve never had anyone stand up to him for me before, except Mom, which just started a fight.”

“I’m not gonna start fighting with your dad, beautiful,” he assured her.

“Yeah, it’s a different thing, and I just … well, honey, I just have a lot to think about.”

They both did.

Because he did what he had to do.

But there was something more there.

Axl just didn’t know what to do with it.

One thing he did know was that, right then, he wasn’t going to be able to do anything about it.

Though, there was something he could do something about.

“Ever had Coca-Cola cake?” he asked.

Her reflective air shifted to excited air.

“Are we going to a bakery?”

He grinned at her. “Yeah, the bakery that’s my kitchen.”

Both words were pure shock when she asked back, “You bake?”

“Sure,” he said, then repeated, “Have you ever had Coca-Cola cake?”


“Well, that’s too bad and we’ll make that next time. This time, we’re making it with Dr Pepper.”

There was a smile in her voice when she said, “Sunday night baking at Axl’s.”


“Perfect,” she said softly.


And they were back on track.


That Path Is Always Open to You


Mid-morning the next day, Axl was in the office, Hawk was in the office, and Elvira had just walked out.

With the coast clear from Elvira sticking her nose in it (he loved the woman, and she was wise, but this was another deal and it was the kind of deal she’d sniff out in a flash and stick her nose in), Axl left his workstation and took the steps up to Hawk’s space.

He knocked on the doorframe even if Hawk was already looking at him.

The man was standing because he rarely ever sat. Axl didn’t know what he was doing, but whatever it was, it was on his phone because he had his cell in his hand and that hand was up.

“Yo, Axe,” Hawk greeted.

“You got a minute?”

In answer, Hawk tipped his head to the chair opposite his desk and tossed his phone on the top of it.

Since Hawk rarely sat, the men who visited him didn’t either.

But for this, Axl closed the door behind him after he entered, moved to a chair, and put his ass in it.

Hawk watched this, and he hesitated, but then he joined him, sitting behind his desk.

“Is everything cool?” Hawk asked.

“I got a sitch. Personal. And I was hoping you might talk it through with me. Maybe have some insight.”

“Hit me,” Hawk invited.

And there was one of the bennies of working for Cabe “Hawk” Delgado.

He was a good boss, generous with his knowledge, gave credit where it was due, didn’t get in your face if you fucked up and held up your hand that you did …

And he had time for you even when he didn’t.

“I met Hattie’s dad last night.”

Hawk’s lips thinned.


His boss might not be in on their chats, but not much happened with his crew that Hawk didn’t know about.

So he knew about Don Yates.

“I got blindsided,” Axl told him.

“How?” Hawk asked.

“He loves her, Hawk.”

Hawk held his gaze a beat before he sat back in his chair.


This was going to be a conversation.

Hawk’s voice was lower when he inquired, “He loves her, and he hits her?”

Axl shook his head. “I got no excuse for that. Or the verbal abuse he keeps doling out. What I know is, recently, he called her a whore.”

“Jesus,” Hawk clipped.

“She didn’t tell me that. She told Ryn, Ryn told Boone. And I got it from Boone. But before … ” He paused, then got to it, “I can’t step in with her dad. She knows their relationship is dysfunctional. She feels beholden. I could only have her back. Until I heard that. Then I shared I was going to have to have words with her father.”


