Dylan – Steele Riders Family Read Online C.M. Steele

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 37
Estimated words: 35751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 179(@200wpm)___ 143(@250wpm)___ 119(@300wpm)

I giggle. “No worries there. I have no intention of leaving you for anyone, especially that clown. He only likes to annoy everyone and it’s funny, but I’m all yours.”

“That you are. Fuck, I don’t want to leave you, but I know you’ll be safe here.”

“Yes, I will. Your uncle and his friends are like giant guard dogs. Don’t tell them I said that.”

“I won’t, pretty girl. Give me a kiss and let me drop you off so I can have a talk with my uncle before I go.”

“Okay.” I fight back the tears so he can’t see my sadness and take his outstretched hand. He isn’t going to come back inside and see me again because it’s going to be too hard to leave, so I do my best to relax.

He speaks to Liam while Esperanza and I gather on Liam’s sofa and chat. “So have you been watching anything new on TV?”

“Not much lately. I’ve been watching reruns of House.”

“Great show. I absolutely love it.” The door opens again, and Liam appears all alone. I try not to let it affect me, but my heart’s aching.

“Ladies, who’s hungry?” Liam says. I have absolutely zero appetite.

“Actually, I’m a little bit tired,” I say, releasing a yawn.

“I’ll show you to your room,” he tells me, giving me a gentle smile.

“I’ll get started on some breakfast if you want, babe.”

“Sounds good.” He kisses her cheek before coming to show me where I’ll be staying.

“Thanks for everything. You’re an amazing person, and I’m glad that Dylan got to see a better part of his family.”

“Thank you, Harley.”

I yawn again. “Sorry. It’s been a rough week for me. I didn’t get much sleep last night. He thought I didn’t know what he was up to in the other room, but I’m not stupid. I hope he’s careful.”

“He will be. Get some sleep.” I nod and close the door behind me.

Once inside the room, I fall on the bed and cry myself to sleep.


My phone rings in the middle of the night, startling me awake. I answer it with a sleepy, “Hello.”

“Sorry to wake you, beautiful, but I miss you, Harley.”


“Of course. Who else is calling you beautiful?” he growls, but there’s no anger in his voice.

“Sorry, what time is it?”

“One in the morning.”

“I’m starting to think you like waking me up at this time.”

“I tried earlier, princess, but my sleeping beauty didn’t answer, and they told me you were napping.”

“Oh yeah, well, someone left me exhausted.”

“Good. Get your rest because when I come back, you’re going to get tired and sore all over again.”

“You sound cheerful and wide awake.”

“I’m in bed thinking of you.”

“Funny, I’m doing the same thing,” I say with a giggle.

“Be a good girl and listen to my uncle.”

“I will. I promise.”

“Okay. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” He ends the call, and I check my call log. There are several missed calls, but I guess I was truly knocked out because I didn’t hear any of them.

Chapter Thirteen


I watch the video evidence that my uncle got for me, and it’s clear that Tim has lied his ass off. He hadn’t been following Harley that night. Some fucking goon had been, one that the Riders alerted me was none other than Boxer Malone, a known human trafficker.

My plan has to be a careful one because I don’t want Tim to know I’m aware of his deception. Why had he gone after Harley, of all women?

I find James easily because he’s got bigger problems than chasing pussy. He’s in the middle of a drug deal for some coke. Interesting. I call the police and have him picked up on drug charges along with the fraud my team found earlier this week.

One down, and I don’t have to end his life just yet.

His demise will come soon, but not at the moment. Can’t have all my enemies dropping like flies at once, or someone will catch on.

Next, I head home and check in with my staff, or so they believe. I know who the guilty party is, and it’s just a matter of time for me to get my hands on the bastard. When I enter the elevator, Tim is waiting for me. “Sir, I didn’t expect you to be back so soon.”

“Then what are you doing here at this hour?” I question because he’s in my fucking private elevator that leads directly to my condo.

“You got me.” He pulls a gun out on me. Fuck, this bold motherfucker.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because you stole her from me. I had my eye on her from the moment she started working for Hunter Industries. I saw her before you did, and I greeted her like the lady she was. You didn’t even see her for a whole month. She was perfect, sweet, innocent, everything a woman could be, and you ruined her. She has to pay. I killed that fucker for hurting her—he shouldn’t have roughed her up like that. I just wanted her away from you, but no, he wanted to sell her. I couldn’t have that, so he had to go. Now, it’s your fucking turn.” He killed Boxer?


