Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Furi made sure to use extra conditioner in his hair and blew it dry so it was extra soft just the way Syn liked it. He was dressed in the only pair of khaki’s that he owned and a soft, black cashmere sweater his Aunt Susan got him for his birthday. He dripped on an expensive fragrance sample that he’d picked up at a department store and was back in Syn’s truck flying down the interstate. He had eight minutes to get there on time. Last thing he wanted was Syn to get there and not see him. Although Syn didn’t reply to his text, he was certain the man wouldn’t stand him up after reading it.

Furi parked in the lot reserved for the riverboat patrons and walked over to stand on the side to wait for his man. His hair blew in the evening breeze and he couldn’t wait to get on that top deck to let Syn run his hands through it. It was 7:15 and people were beginning to board the boat. Everyone was dressed in nice casual clothing. The air was brisk, the water giving it more of a bite than away from the water, but he’d be warm in Syn’s large arms. Syn just had to get his ass here first because the boat would set sail in fifteen minutes whether Furi and Syn were on it or not.

Furi kept looking toward the street, but he didn’t see any vehicles slowing to turn into the lot. It was 7:25. Only five minutes left. There were already couples on the top of the boat, laughing and holding each other. Nibbling on finger foods and sipping wine that was being served by men and women in starched uniforms. Furi watched couples gaze into each other’s eyes as the sun set in the distance, bathing the sky in romantic purples, reds, and oranges. He said a quick prayer that Syn would miraculously appear in front of him. Reluctantly Furi checked his watch again, knowing his time was up. Syn wasn’t coming.

Furi watched hopelessly as the deck hands pulled up the gangway. The riverboat revved its diesel engine and the propellers cut through the waves as it began to back away from the dock.

He’d told Syn he loved him and it’d been too much. Maybe Syn didn’t mean it after all and it was just a slip of the tongue. But Furi didn’t want to believe that. He wanted to think that Syn loved him. Furi gripped the rails in front of him and let his chin fall to his chest. As much as he didn’t want it to, Syn’s no-show hurt him deeply.

How could this day have started so beautifully and ended in such catastrophe? “What have I done?” Furi whispered into the darkening sky. Why do I keep picking men with these fucked up issues? Furi watched the riverboat float away and the dock became eerily quiet. It made Furi shiver because it all seemed so fucking symbolic. Something so beautiful and vibrant was fading away from him and he couldn’t stop it. He wasn’t sure what to do now. It was a little after eight and he was still staring out over the dark water. His chest was tight and his eyes watered. If he blew it with Syn he’d hate himself. The man had all but screamed that he needed a second to decompress but Furi had pushed him. Now he may have pushed the man away completely.

“Furious. Did you mean it?” The dark voice cut into Furi’s thoughts and he had to blink a few times to make sure he hadn’t just imagined Syn’s voice.

Furi turned around slowly and there he was in dark slacks and a button up white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. A black blazer hung off his fingertips over his shoulder. Goddamn he looked sexy as sin. Furi just stared for a moment, relieved that Syn had showed at all. Forget the cruise, there would be others.

Syn stepped into Furi until they were chest to chest. He brought his hand up and ran it through Furi’s hair. Furi moaned like Syn had just run his tongue up his cock.

“You look beautiful,” Syn whispered. He pulled Furi into a slow, passionate hug and held on to him tightly. “I saw your text. Tell me you meant it.”

Furi squeezed Syn back and buried his face in his neck. “Yes, I meant it. I wish you would’ve let me say it to your face instead of in a text, but I couldn’t get you to answer me.”

Syn pulled back to look into Furi’s eyes. He tucked his hair behind his ears and cupped his face. “I’m sorry I jetted like that. I thought you would’ve been mad.”

“God. Why would I be mad about that?” Furi questioned.


