Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Furi turned to face him and Syn immediately saw the fearful eyes, the closed-in-on-himself posture, and most of all, the relief that flashed across his face at seeing Syn. He jerked his head for Furi to come down to him. Furi took a napkin from the holder and placed it in front of Syn with shaking hands. Okay, something is very wrong. “Furious. Why did you leave?”

“I thought you wanted me to,” Furi leaned in, speaking quietly.

“If I’d wanted you to leave, I would’ve told you to,” Syn said directly. He was watching Furi closely and saw him cut his eyes down to the two men in the suits. “Furious. What’s the matter?”

“It’s ... it’s ... nothing,” Furi insisted.

Syn looked down at the men who were casually talking then turned back to Furi. “You’re coming back with me. Now. Let’s go.”

Furi shook his head no.

“Furious, I’m not going–” Syn’s phone rang cutting off his words. He didn’t break eye contact with Furious as he pulled out the phone. “Syn.”

Syn listened intently to his Lieutenant while watching Furi dart his obviously frightened eyes back and forth from the bar to those suits.

“Yeah, Day. I’m at the pub across the street, alright. See ya’ in ten.” Syn hung up, tucked his phone into his pocket and waited for Furi to look back at him. “Come on we’re leaving.”

“I gotta put the trash out. I’ll be back,” Furious told him distractedly.

What aren’t you telling me? Furi’s body language was screaming his discomfort, but Syn didn’t know the man well enough yet to know exactly what it was. So he wouldn’t keep guessing. He was getting Furi out of there period. Syn’s phone rang again this time it was Ronowski. “I’m going to take this out front. Meet me outside as soon as you finish.” His eyes caught Furi’s again, but only for a second. “Five minutes.” He told him and got off his stool to wait for him out front.

Syn waited by his truck while talking to Ronowski. Ro told him that Sasha Pain had been picked up along with two other girls. Sasha and one other female performer, Angelica were being real tight-lipped, but Ronowski believed he could get the other one to talk. He wanted Syn in on the interrogation.

“Yeah, Day and God are in my area and are coming by to get me. We should be there shortly.” Syn disconnected the call and checked his watch. It’d been seven minutes. Syn followed his first instinct and headed back inside the pub.

‘Asshole is in the Dictionary, Right Next to Fuck You’

Furi was so happy to see Syn’s handsome face that he’d wanted to hurdle the bar, throw himself in the man’s muscular arms and beg his forgiveness for being such an ass. Not only was his abusive husband, Patrick there but he’d brought his crazy asshole brother too. In the past twenty minutes Patrick had only said a couple words to him, but Brenden kept shooting him heated glares as they casually sipped their beers. Furi didn’t know if they were waiting for him to leave, or what, but they were acting very strange. He wanted to tell Syn that Patrick was right there beside him, but he didn’t want to start a problem in his uncle’s place. He’d simply leave with his fierce protector and urge Syn to get the restraining order, which would take care of everything. One thing Patrick wouldn’t do is risk publicly humiliating himself and his company by getting arrested.

Furi was double-timing it emptying the trash with no intention of going back inside. He would simply walk up the alley and meet Syn at his truck, leaving Patrick and Bren inside wondering when he was coming back.

“So, darlin, this is where you’ve been hiding yourself, huh? All that time I spent searching for you, and here you were all along. With the trash.” Patrick’s voice was calm and even; it usually was right before he went crazy–all over Furi's face. He looked around the alley; full of dumpsters, empty liquor bottles, discarded food, and shook his head disgustedly. “Well when I met you, you were slumming it, so obviously that’s where you’d run back to.” Patrick was talking about his father’s garage. He may have thought it was a dump, but many people believed it was a pretty awesome place. Furi rued the day he let Patrick’s smooth talking charm take him away from it.

“I must admit, not changing your name back to your father’s was fairly smart. Really, made it hard for the PI to find you. Bren said to ‘let it go’ you weren’t 'worth it.' But I believed that you would come back eventually. Then out of the blue, surprise, I’m served. AT MY FUCKING BUSINESS! With DIVORCE PAPERS! So goddamn disrespectful.” Furi flinched at his husband’s quick rage.


