Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Syn pulled Furi to his chest. “Furi, I want you to go back through the bar and go wait at my place. I’m going to have a little chat with your ex-husband,” Syn said extra loudly.

Furi huffed in annoyance, “Syn, I took six months of self-defense courses at the YMCA this year. I can fight for myself.”

Syn looked at Furi like he’d lost his damn mind. “At the Y? Well hell, that’s great Furious. If you ever get jumped by the Village People, feel free to pull out those moves. As for now, I want you to take your karate-kicking-YMCA-going-ass back to my apartment,” Syn snarled at Furi, urging him toward the door, having neither the time nor the patience to argue with his ridiculous pride. Thankfully, with one final glare Furi went back into the pub. When Syn turned back, God and Day were looking back and forth between him and his two foes.

“What’s going on here, fellas?” God asked casually, not acknowledging Syn.

“You look like you’re no stranger to a good fight. I’ll give you five hundred dollars if you’ll kick this idiot’s ass.” Ex-husband stood up straighter with an evil grin on his face directed at Syn, as if he’d just come up with the best, most diabolical plan ever. He straightened his tie and attempted to brush some of the grime off of his too-expensive suit as he waited for God’s answer.

Day looked Syn up and down as if he was sizing him up, shrugged his shoulders and turned to look at God. “What do you think?”

“You know I’ve never been one to turn down easy money.” God rubbed his hand over his beard stubble, giving Syn a wicked look before turning back to ex-husband and brother-in-law. “So both of you big motherfuckers against this one guy and you couldn’t take him down?”

“Don’t ask any questions. Do you want the money or not? This piece of shit is standing between me and something very important to me and I need him eliminated.”

Who the fuck did this guy think he was, fucking Tony Soprano? Eliminated. Syn clenched his fist over and over desperately wanting to teach this guy a lesson, beat it through his thick head that Furi was Syn's now and would never be any concern of his again.

Day stepped a little closer. “Alright, but it will be one thousand dollars each.”

Ex-husband didn’t even blink about the two thousand dollar ante. He pulled out his wallet and quickly counted off the right number of crisp one hundred dollar bills, slapping them into Day’s outstretched hand. Day took the bills and folded them in half, tucking them into his pocket. He backed up, returning to God’s side and nodded his head at Syn. “As you were.”

“Hey wait just a damn minute,” Brother-in-law piped up, but it was too late. Day had given Syn his cue. He quickly closed the distance between him and the Ex, giving him no time to put up his guard before he slammed his right fist into his jaw, followed by a quick left upper-cut. His opponent stumbled back, but just as Syn thought, the guy could take a punch. Ex-husband swung wide right, aiming at Syn’s temple, which he easily dodged. Desperate to gain the upper hand, Ex thought it was a good idea to just rush Syn and knock him off his feet, but that attempt was futile as well. Syn brought his booted foot up and connected it with the man’s mid-section, causing him to double over. Syn didn’t miss a breath. He quickly yanked Ex’s head into the crook of his arm, and delivered three knees to his gut in rapid succession. Syn loved the grunts and shouts of pain coming from this asshole. It felt so good to kick this guy’s ass for Furi that Syn was afraid he might not be able to stop. Ex crumpled like a piece of paper, going down on both knees, but Syn wasn’t ready for it to be over. He looked the man in the eye, cocked his right hand back again and sent a crucial punch dead center in that pretty face, fairly sure that he knocked a couple of teeth loose and permanently re-structured his nose. Ex flew onto his back, clutching his nose, spitting and grimacing at the pain he was surely going to feel for the next couple months.

Syn caught movement in his peripheral, but he’d been prepared for the brother-in-law’s cheap sneak attack. Before he could reach Syn, Day moved like a cobra, quick and precise, extending his arm straight out, swinging it hard, striking the brother-in-law in the throat before he could get anywhere close to Syn. He went down hard, grabbing at his throat, wanting to scream from the pain but unable to. No sound was coming out. His eyes were wide with shock as Day stared down at him, admiring his handiwork. Day looked back at his lover, enjoying the prideful look on God's face.


