Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Furi laughed throatily and dipped down, taking Syn’s mouth again, he didn’t stop kissing him as his hand worked its way between their bodies, latching on to Syn’s straining cock.

“Mmmm. Yes.”

Furi stroked their leaking dicks together and Syn damn near lost his mind. If he wasn’t confined in a cock-ring, Syn would’ve blown his load all over them, as Furi strangled his cock, killing him with a slow, erotic death. It looked as if his lover was struggling to keep it together as well; Furi gripped Syn’s thighs in a punishing hold and spread him wide, just staring at his hole as if awestruck. Furi’s lips were moving but no words were coming out. Syn squirmed beneath the scrutiny. Was he too hairy? Was his hole ugly? Hell, Syn hadn’t seen many assholes but he had assumed his was normal. Just do me for fuck’s sake. A smile ghosted across Furi’s beautiful face as he made himself comfortable between Syn’s thighs. Furi pushed Syn’s legs back and delved into his most private part, lapping with long slow, flat-tongued licks over his anxious hole.

Syn hissed and pulled his legs up higher, not caring about how the position made him look. Furi was doing something indescribable to him. The gentle prods and figure eights Furi made with his tongue had Syn bucking his hips wanting way more, way deeper. Furi pushed Syn’s hips down against the firm mattress, forcing him to stay still, but it was proving difficult. Syn rose on his elbows and looked down at the sinfully sexy sight between his legs. Fuck. Furi was working him over good.

Syn was winding his hips within the space Furi allowed him to maneuver. It felt so erotic and nasty, it felt carnal; but sensual, it felt like all the things Syn had wanted to feel for a very long time. His bandaged hand was resting on his forehead and he used his other to play with his already stimulated nipples. He pinched and flicked each one, crying out when he squeezed with just enough pressure to cause a little bit of pain at the same moment Furi shoved his long, hot tongue inside him. Syn was no longer worried about coming, because he knew when he did, it was going to be epic. He just enjoyed all the unique and foreign sensations careening through his body.

Syn was so lost in the feelings it hadn’t registered that Furi was nudging at his hole with something other than his tongue. It was blunt, slick, and cold. Syn stared down the bed, marveling at the look of complete confidence on Furi’s face. When the object breached the first ring of muscle, opening him up, Syn let out a startled grunt. It wasn’t a sound of pain, but of blissful relief. “Fuck, Furious.” Syn had something inside him, this was it. Although it wasn’t Furi’s long cock, it still gave him the heady feeling of being taken. Furi looked up at him, watching him through strikingly dark hooded eyes as he slowly pushed the slick object in further. Syn was hyperaware of it curving inside of him, sliding against his walls. Fuck. Feels so fucking good. Damnit. If he’d only known. Syn was already addicted to the feeling and he wasn’t even sure if this constituted sex. They were still in foreplay mode, they hadn’t even gotten to penetration with Furi's cock yet.

There was no pain, just a pleasantly full sensation. The stretch was noticeable but easily dealt with, more of a ‘give-me-a-second-to-get-used-to-it' feeling. Not a fraction of what he’d imagined the pain would be. The slight sting and burn wasn’t uncomfortable, hell no, it made Syn feel alive. Then that magical toy did or touched something in him that made stars flash before his eyes and his cock jerk against the confines of the cock-ring.

“Furious!” Syn yelled out, his hips bucking, seeking out that feeling again.

“Yeah, that’s it ain’t’ it? You like that?” Furi eyed him mischievously. “You want some more?”

Syn just nodded his head like a madman. Unable to speak, in anticipation of– “Ahh, yeah! Fuck! More, baby please.” Syn couldn’t finish a single thought as Furi worked that wonderful gadget inside of him like a professional sex toy representative showing him all the features of the little wonder. Furi stroked Syn’s hard cock with one hand, concentrating on the blushing head every few strokes while working the toy in and out of him, increasing in intensity and speed. Syn was so overwhelmed by sensation he was babbling some language that even Rosetta Stone couldn’t teach.

His eyes were shut tight, his teeth bared while he took all Furi had to give him. He just let go of every inhibition and allowed himself to feel. There were no worries, no problems that needed fixing, nothing that needed his management. All he felt was complete serenity and bliss. Syn’s eyes rolled in their sockets. “I trust you,” Syn whispered.


