Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“Fucking coward,” Syn growled.

“Was that?”

“Yes, it was him. Why didn’t you go inside like I said?” Syn glared at Furi.

“Because I wasn’t just gonna run like some bitch.” Furi glared back. “If he wants me, then I’m standing right fuckin’ here, he can come and try to get me.” Furi stuck his chin out.

“That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard,” Syn snapped back at him. “Throwing yourself at danger doesn’t make you brave, it makes you an idiot. Now, go inside.”


“Unh, unh, unh,” Syn tsked. “You’re reneging on our agreement. Remember, I run this.” Syn gestured their outdoor surrounding.

“Fine, boyfriend.” A sinister smile crept up on Furi’s stunning lips as he stood chest to chest with Syn. “Let’s go inside then, and I’ll say what I have to say in there.”

Syn noticed how Furi punctuated the word boyfriend and he especially understood what Furi was thinking as he watched his long legs bolt up the steps and disappear into his building. Syn took a deep breath. He was getting ready to step into Furi’s sexual stronghold, and he was helpless to resist it. He didn’t want to fight it. After the kind of afternoon he’d had hunting Furi down, the man owed him some stress relief.

Syn stepped onto the elevator with Furi, both of them settling on opposite sides of the small compartment, staring longingly at each other, letting the erotic tension build. When the doors parted on Syn’s floor, they both bolted as if someone had set off an alarm. Syn stopped at his door and was immediately aware of Furi’s chest pressing against his back, his hot breath on his neck, and oh god, Furi’s hard cock pushing against his ass. Syn’s key hovered over the knob as he let all those life-affirming sensations flood his nervous system. Furi pushed harder against him, trapping him against the door. It felt so good it felt cathartic. He let his head fall back on Furi’s shoulder.

“Mmm. Open the door, Syn. Or I’m gonna fuck you in this hallway.” Furi licked Syn’s ear. It was something about Furi’s voice and the way he talked to Syn that made him completely defenseless to the man’s advances.

“Fuck,” Syn groaned, jiggling the key in the doorknob. He panted when he finally got it unlocked. He turned the knob and both of them stumbled into the apartment. Furi kicked the door closed and crossed the distance between them in an instant. Syn’s dick was harder than Chinese arithmetic, and his tight jeans were only adding to his discomfort. He tried to adjust it, but nothing short of yanking his pants down was going to give him any relief.

Furi was on Syn. Licking and biting at his mouth, his neck, his jaw, anywhere he could reach. Syn snapped off his holster and set his weapons down on the nearest surface. Furi backed him up until he hit the wall and then his mouth was on him again. Hot and demanding, just like Syn needed. He let his head fall back, hitting the wall with a thud while Furi sucked hard at his throat.

“So you’re my boyfriend, now, Syn?” Furi thrust his hips forward, making Syn completely forget his response. “You’re just making all kinds of decisions today aren’t you?”

“Furi,” Syn moaned.

“You’re a real force out on the streets, huh baby?” Furi unsnapped Syn’s jeans and forcibly yanked them down to his thighs, his cock snapping back up, weeping at the freedom. Syn was reaching for it when his hand was yanked back and tucked behind his back. Furi spun him around, keeping his arm pinned in place and slammed Syn’s chest against the wall. “But you don’t run this in here do you baby?”

Furi had Syn in a police hold, and he didn’t know whether to resist or come. Furi’s hand traveled slowly down Syn’s abs, to his dark red cock, just barely brushing over it while continuing lower to Syn’s balls.

Syn whimpered. A full on needy-ass moan. From his cheek down to his chest, he was pressed flat against the wall, but Syn wasn’t ashamed of the way his ass was pushed out silently begging for Furi’s attack.

Furi manipulated the round orbs before tightening his grip. “Answer me.” Furi snapped his hips again and pulled hard on Syn’s balls at the same time.

“Augh, fuck yes, yes, yes!” Syn shouted. Damn this man would be the death of him.

“You’re goddamn right I control this.” Furi fisted Syn’s cock and stroked him fast and hard. “All this is mine now, right boyfriend?”

“Ahhh. Fuuuuck you.” Syn squeezed his eyes shut at the obscene amount of pleasure assailing his body. Furi’s dominant talk and his firm grip was gonna make him come all over his fucking wall after only one minute.

Furi’s chuckle sounded almost demonic. “Fuck me?” he whispered in Syn’s ear, licking the rim before probing inside it. The wet licking sound made Syn’s cock leak some more. Furi kissed across Syn’s cheek to his lips, and because of the angle, the kiss was sloppy but delicious. Furi’s fingers ghosted over Syn’s throat, up to his prickly beard and danced between their kiss. “Suck’em.’”


