Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Syn was reclined on the couch with his feet propped up on the ottoman while Furi stretched out on the length of the couch with his head in Syn’s lap. Furi had on a wife-beater with some lounging pants and Syn wore a pair of athletic shorts and no shirt. Syn’s eyes were drifting closed as he unconsciously weaved his fingers through Furi’s hair.

“So it’s okay for me to go back home after you get the protective order for Patrick, right?”

Syn stopped finger-combing Furi’s hair but didn’t open his eyes.

“I mean I’m sure you’re ready to have your space back to yourself, and you won’t have to worry about babysitting anymore.” Furi blew out a laugh, but the topic was far from humorous. He liked being with Syn. In just a couple days, he’d enjoyed his quiet apartment, being in his strong presence, stripping his control, showering with him, eating with him, all the little things that strengthened a relationship. Now it felt like it was all just a two-day fantasy vacation and it was time to go back to the real world. Syn sat up straighter and stared down into Furi’s eyes, his expression dark and serious.

Syn cleared his throat before he spoke, “First of all, I never felt like a babysitter. Because I don’t let babies fuck me. I thought. I– I thought I was looking out for someone who is important to me.” Syn moved to stand up and Furi had to get up out of his lap. “I thought I was spending time with my boyfriend. I guess I was wrong.” Syn shut off the television and moved quickly down the hall to his bedroom.

Furi just sat there stunned. He understood that Syn was pissed about the way he’d worded that, but he couldn’t help smiling. He was smiling because Syn didn’t want him to go. He was enjoying their time together just as much as Furi was. He got up and went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water and slowly made his way into the bedroom. It was dark and Syn was already in bed with the covers pulled up to his waist. Furi pulled off his shirt, dropping it along with his pants and briefs and climbed in bed with his man, nestling up close to his side. He turned Syn’s face toward him since he couldn’t see if his eyes were open. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like it sounded.” Furi sighed softly. “I guess I just don’t want you to get annoyed with having me here. Patrick and Brenden used to always say how irritating I was to be around and that I fucked up the vibe anytime I came into a room. I just can’t take you feeling that way about me.”

“Ow! Shit!” Furi yelled out. “You hit me in the nuts Syn?”

“No I didn’t.” Syn’s voice was stern. “I hit you where your nuts should be.”

“What?” Furi groaned rubbing his sack. Granted, Syn didn’t hit him hard, but the firm tap was enough to make him grunt.

“I don’t want to hear another word about what that asshat said or did to you. I don’t want you to repeat the things he called you or hear how many different ways he tried to put you down. Because I’m not a fan of listening to bullshit.” Syn pulled Furi in close to his chest and when he spoke, his warm breath puffed against Furi’s mouth. “You don’t understand that bastard was jealous of you. Anything he said about you, the complete opposite was true. The only reason he said you fucked up the vibe when you came into a room was because all eyes would fall on you, and therefore, no one gave a fuck about his boring ass. Your personality and style turns heads, and that probably bothers insecure pricks like him and his brother. So please don’t compare me to him and don’t try to base what I’m going to do or feel on what he did. I may have stumbled some on our date, but I’d be proud to have you on my arm, as mine. You’re fuckin’ gorgeous, babe.”

Furi savored the compliment. “Won’t happen again,” was all Furi could say. He had no right to even think of Patrick when he was around Syn.

“Next. While I don’t think we’re ready to actually live together, I do like you being here, talking about our day over dinner, and then getting into bed together. I never had that before. Never realized how much I’d like it when I found it.” Syn leaned in, kissing Furi’s neck and buried his nose in his hair. “God you smell so good. I’ve slept alone all my life and when I think about it now, damn I’ve missed you.”

Furi pulled Syn’s face out of his hair and kissed him passionately. He vowed at that moment that he was going to stop living in the past and focus on how bright his future looked. He wasn’t going to worry about running Syn off; the man was too fucking strong and stubborn for that to happen. Syn rolled on top of him and slid his hand down between his thighs. “Oh fuck.” Syn felt wonderful on top of him, all that weight and muscle pressing him into the mattress.


