Exquisite Death – The Gilded Sovereign Read Online Dani Rene

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 49388 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 247(@200wpm)___ 198(@250wpm)___ 165(@300wpm)

I know I’ve hurt her by pushing her away. And by fighting off anyone else who shows an interest in her, I’m confusing Grecia. If I’m being honest, I’m confusing myself too. I’m no longer sure whether our relationship is platonic or ever can be again. After what happened on the plane, when I nearly lost control and kissed her, the tension between us has skyrocketed.

“I don’t want you with him or with anyone else for that matter,” I confess.

“Why, Tarian?” she pushes. “Tell me fucking why, or I swear to God, I will go out there right now and fuck him or someone else.”

Rage clouds my vision, and closing the distance between us, I grip Grecia’s shoulders tightly. My fingers dig into her smooth, tanned flesh.

“Don’t you fucking dare do that.”

“Why?!” she screams in anger and frustration. “Tarian! If you don’t⁠—”

“You are fucking mine, Grecia!”

The boom of my voice bounces wildly between us and against the tiled walls of the bathroom. Then it slowly reverberates through my chest and into hers, and a shocked gasp tumbles from her perfect lips.

Grecia opens her mouth, and I expect her to rant at me, but she doesn’t speak. Her expression is filled with a mix of desire and confusion. Then pain sparks in her eyes, and I half expect her to tell me to leave.

“You’re mine,” I tell her once more, but this time with less anger.

Instead, I cup her cheeks in my palms and allow my true feelings for her to emanate from my voice, hoping she’ll say something in return.

She feels so warm. So soft and delicate.

She’s fragile, but she’s also fierce.

“My sweet goddess,” I whisper as I lean in and press the tip of my nose against hers.

Our gazes are locked, the intensity stealing my breath away. But I don’t care, because I’ve finally accepted the truth—I want to lose myself inside Grecia Birchwood, to be one with her, and I want to stay there until I’m no longer broken and war-torn.

“Tarian,” she utters, and my name sounds strained coming from her lips, as if she’s saying it for the first time.

There’s no going back now. I’m no longer her friend…I’m something so much more.

“Grecia.” I whisper her name in response as my tongue darts out to taste her.

Sucking her lower lip into my mouth, I allow my teeth to graze the plump flesh, and I recall the moment on the plane when I bit her and tasted the flavor of her life force for the first time.

Releasing her lip, I tell her, “I kept fighting this. I kept pushing you away because I’m no good for you, Grecia. I’m so fucking broken.”

“Aren’t all broken things more beautiful because of the light that shines through their fractured pieces?” she asks, challenging me like I know she loves to do.

I can’t help but smile as I gently press my mouth to hers. The heat searing through me from the fusion of our mouths has my cock hard. I’m so ready to take her, to finally fucking claim her, but not here.

When I finally pull away, I look into her eyes.

“I’m taking you back to Thane’s. Right now.” My words hold a promise of what’s to come.

“What about⁠—”

“You’re not spending another minute in the company of Damien Thorne,” I tell her adamantly.

Even if dinner is being served and we’re expected to stay, I can’t. It’s time I show Grecia who I truly am.

When we reach the foyer, we find Thane talking to Damien there. They each have a drink in their hand and look unperturbed at the way I’m speeding toward them.

“We’re leaving,” I inform Thane without casting a glance toward Damien.

My uncle turns his attention away from the conversation, his focus solely on me.

“Oh?” Thane’s dark brow arches at me. “I believe we’re about to have dinner.”

“Grecia and I are both tired and would be more comfortable in your house,” I tell him.

It’s a lie, but it’s the only place we can go right now. I need to get Grecia alone, and I have to figure out these emotions that are currently coursing through me.

Thane smirks.

Damien chuckles.

Confused, my gaze flits between them.

“Sure,” Thane finally responds. “Eduardo will take you to the house. No snooping around, though,” he warns, which has me on high alert. If I were to snoop around, would there be anything to find?

“I don’t give a shit about your stuff, Thane,” I bite out, attempting to make it seem like his comment hasn’t fazed me. But it has. It’s made me wonder if there’s anything else he’s hiding from me.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” he mutters, but before I can get pulled into an argument, I’m already out the door, dragging Grecia behind me.

Our drive back to Thane’s is completed in silence.

I’m on edge and spend the entire journey fearing Grecia’s about to run off, and I’ll lose her forever. I know she will leave eventually. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take before she decides I’m not good enough for her. It will happen at some point, and then I’ll never forgive myself for going there with her.


