Falling for My Ex – College Billionaire Romance Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, College, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 71595 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 358(@200wpm)___ 286(@250wpm)___ 239(@300wpm)

But Yuki only laughs and steals another kiss, and it’s so much just like how we used to be I want to beg time to stop. Please just stop moving and let this moment last forever.

When we’re just a block away from school, we start seeing familiar faces around us, and I belatedly remember we’re still holding hands. I try to tug my fingers out of his hold, but Yuki’s grip only tightens.

I think about reminding him that people are bound to misunderstand, but eventually – and yes, selfishly – decide against it. If he thinks holding my hand in front of the entire school is taking things slowly, who am I to argue?

Yuki walks me all the way back to my dorm, and I can’t help grinning when he knows what my room number is without asking. A moment later, the same thing seems to dawn on him, and I giggle when dark color stains his cheeks.

“Who’s the stalker now?” I tease. “Is this how you also knew I was in Seiji’s Mecha class?”

“Are you complaining?” he asks silkily. “Because I can just as easily mind my own business and forget you exist—-”

“I was just kidding,” I say hastily.

“I’m not sure I’m convinced,” Yuki drawls. “I don’t like being labeled a stalker, so maybe I need to leave you alone—-”

“I said I was kidding,” I grumble. “Can’t you take a joke?”

“That’s the second insult you’ve thrown at me in the past five minutes. First I’m a stalker, now I’m a man without a sense of humor?” His blue eyes glint. “I think ...” His voice lowers a notch. “Someone needs to be punished.”

Five words. Five seconds.

That’s all it takes.

And I’m so bloody wet I’m honestly worried it might leave a dark stain on my pants.

“What do you think,” Yuki’s voice is husky. “Should I punish her?”

“Yes,” I breathe. “Punish me. I mean, her.”

He smirks. “Here?” He takes a step closer. “Now?” His head starts to lower, and my eyes automatically close.


I’m going to get punished.

And I can’t wait—-

But nothing happens. When I open my eyes, he’s grinning down at me. “Were you expecting something?”


I whirl away in a fit of frustration, but Yuki laughingly hauls me back to him, and I gasp as I fall against him.

“Do you want me to punish you that badly?” he purrs.

What do you think of me? I would never! How could you even say such a thing? Those are the words I should say. Unfortunately, none of them is true. In the end, all I hear myself say is, “Yes.” It’s utterly shameless, but as it always is with this boy, I’m way, way past caring.

Yuki’s head starts to lower again, and I tense even as I tell myself not to expect anything. He could be bluffing me again—-

His tongue licks my ear.


“After your last class, senpai. I’ll punish you just the way you like it.”

And then he’s gone.

I manage to hold on to my composure long enough to close the door, but the moment I’m inside my dorm room, all my pent-up emotions explode, and I burst into tears.

Vivi, lying on the couch reading manga, shoots up in panic. “Kat? What is it? What happened?”

I throw myself at my friend. “Oh, Vivi.”

“What’s wrong? Is it Alexei?” she demands. “Did he do something to you?”

“He called me senpai,” I sob, “and he’s going to punish me.”

“What?” Vivi screeches.

“I know, right?” I choke out. “It’s the best thing ever.”

Word of the Day: Doujinshi, n.

The Japanese term for self-published works (novel or manga).

This type of work may feature original stories and artwork or function as fan fiction.

That afternoon, I set out for class knowing that my world is about to change any moment. So many people have seen Yuki and me together that I’m sure word of it has spread by now. Remembering Vivi’s horror stories about the multitudes of “morally incapacitated” girls who are after Yuki, I know I’m about to be bullied like I’ve never been bullied before. It should scare me, but it doesn’t. In fact, I’m eager for things to, umm, start, because I know I can use it to my advantage. If I survive those girls, I could show Yuki I’m stronger like I say I am. Right?

And yet...

Nothing happens.

Or rather, things do happen, but not in the way Vivi and I expect. Although people have started to stare and talk whenever they see me, there’s not a single glare that’s been thrown in my direction. “This doesn’t make sense,” I mutter.

“Maybe,” Vivi says thoughtfully, “they are waiting for a cue. What if...this is like that scene from Hana Yori Dango?”

My eyes light up. “You could be right!” In the aforementioned manga, open season for bullying is declared on anyone who finds a red card in his or her locker, and that’s exactly what happens to the heroine. She eventually ends up with the guy who actually instigated the entire thing, but, umm, that’s another story.


