Fandom (Famous #3) Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Famous Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88218 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“No problem.”

“Great. I’m so glad we had this chat. Now, I’m going to go out to the guesthouse—”

His mouth drops open to say something, but I cut him off.

“But it’s only to get fresh clothes. Then I’ll come right back and join you in your big-ass shower. Together.”

I love that he tries to cover his smile but can’t. “Okay.”

As I’m walking to the guesthouse, though, nerves start to make me uneasy.

It’s not like we used to walk around each other naked all the time or anything, but on tour, you see stuff. I’ve seen Denver’s dick countless times, and even though this will be different—closer—I’m not nervous about his body. I am nervous about how he will see me. I promised him I wouldn’t be so hard on myself and my image, that I won’t obsess over it, but when I know I’m going to be completely naked in front of him for the first time in years, it’s scary. I’ll be conscious about him mentally comparing my new body to the old me.

I want to do this for him. And we’re going to see each other naked at some point if we want to get off again. Though we managed last night without peeling our clothes off.

No, I can do this. Denver says he likes how I look, and I have to keep reminding myself of that. It’s what gives me the courage to go back into the house and make my way into Denver’s bedroom.

He’s already in the shower when I get there, which helps with my nerves as I strip down and step in behind him.

His bare ass is right there, and I can’t help staring.

I’ve never taken notice of his body before. Not like I am now. I’ve always seen from an abstract kind of way how masculinity can be considered sexy, but similar to Denver, it has never turned me on. Him, however—his narrow shoulders, the muscles in his back, the curve of his ass—Denny definitely does it for me.

What that means in terms of my sexuality, I’m not sure. There’s a label for it out there somewhere, but I don’t want to have to wrestle with an identity while I work out what this draw is. I want to work on us more than myself.

Denver glances at me over his shoulder. “Getting a good look?”

“Dunno,” I croak. “I might need to get closer.”

He spins to face me, and I try not to drop my eyes to his cock. It doesn’t work.

I take it back. I’ve seen Denver’s cock countless times, but I’ve never seen it hard and standing at attention. Not gonna lie, it’s a little daunting, but when my gaze travels up to his face, my hesitance wanes. My heart warms and fills with the familiar feeling of solidarity. Denver and me against the world.

I step closer. I push him against the tiled shower wall and box him in.

“Mm, if this is where working out leads, I’ll exercise with you whenever you want.” His hands roam my chest, and my insecurities over my body diminish a little more.

“If you only shower after you work out, we might have bigger problems. Like basic hygiene.”

Then his aqua eyes flicker up to my face. “If you insist we need to shower together all the time to make sure I’m clean, it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” He cups the back of my neck to pull me closer and press our lips together.

For whatever reason, when his mouth is on mine, everything else fades away. We’re not Denver Smith and Mason Nash. We’re not two parts of a boy band. We’re not about publicity or fame or anything remotely Hollywood.

We’re just two people with a connection I’m desperate to understand.

I want to pull Denver close and not let him go until I figure everything out.

His hard cock digs into my side, and I roll my hips. The thought of his hand on me again makes me desperate for it. I want to touch him this time too, but I hesitate. I know what I like, but that doesn’t mean I’m an expert at getting other guys off.

Denver breaks the kiss and leans back, resting his head against the wall.

The water runs hot between us, beating down on mostly my back, and I have to say Denver wet is all kinds of hot. I could take a photo right now and put it in any editorial magazine.

“You’re nervous,” he says, not asks.

“I want to make you feel good like you did for me last night.”

“Then don’t overthink it. Follow my lead.” He skims his hand down my stomach, and his long fingers wrap around my cock. It only takes one slow stroke for me to lower my head on his shoulder and shudder.

“Oh, fuck. Are you sure you’ve never—”


