Fated – The Serendipity Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 13826 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 69(@200wpm)___ 55(@250wpm)___ 46(@300wpm)

Tess blew out a breath and fiddled with the ragged hem of her tee shirt. “Yeah, since they came back from their honeymoon, they’re still all lovey-dovey, but what about when the sex stuff gets old?”

Kate tried not to choke on her own saliva. “Umm . . . the sex stuff is none of your business, and love has to do with a lot more than just . . . umm . . . sex.” Uncomfortable with the subject, she dug into her purse for gum, unwrapping it and popping the mint stick in her mouth. “Want some?” She offered some to the teen.

“No. I want to know more about sex and love.”

Ack! You had to adore Tess, her endless questions, and the mouth with no filter. What could Kate tell her? Sex was easy. Love wasn’t.

Love, when not reciprocated, hurt. Badly. Kate’s thoughts went to Nick and his sexy swagger, intense brown eyes, and easy charm. Too easy.

She’d run into him around town in the months since the softball game, and he’d always been friendly. Always stopped to talk. And always asked her out. She was so tempted to give in, but she still vividly remembered her college boyfriend telling her she’d been nothing more than a poor substitute for his girl back home. She’d do everything in her power to protect herself from feeling that kind of betrayal and pain ever again. No matter how much Nick Mancini tempted her.

So, if Tess wanted to know about sex and love . . . “I think you should ask Faith about that. Or Kelly,” Kate said of Tess’s sister on her mother’s side.

“Chicken,” Tess muttered.

Kate groaned at the same time as her phone buzzed, and she glanced at the screen. A reprieve, she thought gratefully.

“Ready to go? Faith’s getting antsy,” Kate asked Tess.

The girl nodded.

“Did you get all the help you needed on Shakespeare?”

“Yeah, thanks. I am so ready to hit the mall.” Tess grinned, already on to the next subject.

Thank God.

“Okay, I’ll tell Faith we’re coming out.” Kate texted Faith back, then gathered her book bag and jacket, ready to brave both the November chill and the mall.

A few minutes later, both Kate and Tess were seated in Faith’s warm, brand new Cadillac Escalade truck, courtesy of her husband. Once the town bad boy on a motorcycle, Ethan had returned, determined to make good. He’d also gotten his girl. If Kate didn’t know how much Faith had suffered in the past, she’d almost be jealous of her best friend and the love she’d found.

“Sorry we’re late,” Kate said, settling into the seat.

Faith glanced heavenward. “Save it. You’re always late.” She softened the words with an understanding laugh. “Buckle up.” She glanced at Tess via the rearview mirror.

Kate did the same, and Faith pulled out of the school parking lot.

“Listen, I have to make a quick stop on the way to the mall,” Faith said apologetically.

From the back seat, Tess groaned.

“Hey, I waited for you. It’ll just take a minute. I have to drop something off for a client.” Faith adjusted her sunglasses as she drove.

“For who? And why can’t it wait till tomorrow?” Tess was nothing if not persistent.

“Customers come first. The only way a startup business works is if you keep your word,” Faith patiently explained.

Tess muttered something under her breath.

“Give Faith a break,” Kate said to the still grumbling teen. “Text your friends or something until we get there.”

“Thanks,” Faith said to her.

“No problem. So who is this person? A new customer?” Kate swiveled to face the driver’s seat.

“You could say that.”

Kate shrugged, not too concerned with her friend’s customer base.

They settled into silence, and Kate looked out the window, watching the town of Serendipity as they passed through. To her surprise, they drove almost to the edge of town, arriving at Serendipity Lake, where some residents had summer cabins. Kate’s parents were one of them until they decided they’d rather have a second home down south and sold the cabin where they’d spent many summers while Kate was growing up. She hadn’t thought of the place in years, but she’d always loved the freedom of her time there.

But suddenly Kate realized just who they were going to see. “We’re going to Nick’s?” she asked, her stomach flipping uncomfortably.

Faith didn’t answer, merely drove past the well-spaced houses and pulled into the driveway of a completely remodeled cabin set off from the others.

The driveway was fully paved, not gravel like the older homes had. Though the structure itself retained a rustic feel, the outside possessed a completely modern, newer look and sat on more land than the other s were allotted. The house was obviously new, charming, and very Nick.

“Faith?” Kate asked again.

“One sec.” Faith turned around and reached for a small shopping bag behind her seat. “Do me a favor and leave this on the porch? I need to call Ethan before we get lost in the mall for hours.”


