Feral Sins Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #1)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 162
Estimated words: 151489 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 757(@200wpm)___ 606(@250wpm)___ 505(@300wpm)

“Of course it hurts. You want to be the center of his everything just like he’s the center of yours. But, honey, I’m pretty sure you already are. He cares about you about as much as he’s capable of doing. It’s up to you to show him what love is, to wrap him up in it until he comes to recognize it and feel it himself.”

“I don’t know if that’s possible. Trey…he’s so guarded. Hell, we both are. I’m not sure that the mating bond will ever be fully complete.”

Grace gave her a gentle smile. “You know what the answer is, don’t you? Chocolate. It’s always the answer, no matter the question.”

Taryn’s chuckle died as Selma entered the room wearing what might as well have been a tissue. Clearly the female was set on continuing to flaunt herself in front of Trey. “He’s not here yet.”

Scowling, Selma took a seat at the table and, naturally, the tissue rode up her thighs to the point of indecency. “I’ll bet you’re feeling very smug. Well, be as smug as you want, but I have to say I feel kind of sorry for you if you think this is over. He’s still not yours. The mating bond is only in the early stages. The link can be quite easily broken.”

“So can your nose. Don’t test me, Selma. Right now I don’t have the patience required to deal with people whose IQ level lands on the right side of the decimal point. Trey didn’t want to mate with you before I was here, and even if I left he still wouldn’t want you as his mate.”

“Oh he wanted me just fine all those times he had me in his bed. Just think…Those silk sheets you sleep on at night – he fucked me on those.”

Grace snorted. “Oh have some pride, Selma. It happened all of one time and that was years ago in your room! If it’s really that important to you to be some guy’s Alpha female then go seduce one at a club or something.”

“Trey’s mine! This pack is mine!” Her eyes flashed wolf as her attention turned back to Taryn. “You’ll never be accepted here as Alpha female. Never. You might have gotten most of them to pledge their loyalty to you, but you’re naïve if you think they all meant it.”

“Amen,” muttered a witchy voice.

Taryn returned Greta’s glare. “Hey Widow Twankey. Still alive? Hmm. Guess those voodoo dolls don’t work after all.”

“Yes, yes, make your jokes, hussy.”

“Who said I was joking?”

A cruel smirk played around the edges of Selma’s mouth. “I’ll bet it hurts knowing you’ll never run together with Trey in your wolf form.”

It did, actually, but Taryn wouldn’t let her see that her hit had met its target. “You know, I can’t understand why you’d spoil such gorgeous blonde hair by dying your roots black.” Selma’s smirk died and was replaced by a snarl. She probably would have said more if Trey, Dante and Tao hadn’t then entered the kitchen. Dante and Tao both greeted Taryn with smiles and respectful nods of the head.

“Hey, why didn’t you wait for me?” Trey asked against her lips as he stepped between her legs. He heard Selma – a mostly naked Selma, his peripheral vision informed him – call his name, but he didn’t pay her any attention, he wasn’t stupid.

“I needed caffeine.” Taryn gratefully accepted the plate of food Grace handed her. Trey frowned when Grace didn’t present him with a plate of his own.

“You don’t have to start running round after her just because she’s officially your Alpha female,” Greta told Grace.

Trey groaned. The woman never let up.

Unable to resist needling her, Taryn said, “You know, Greta, you and I will get on a whole lot better once you accept that I’m a goddess.”

At that moment Marcus entered and, obviously having heard her comment, bowed to her. “Oh beautiful goddess, how may I serve thee?” Trey slapped him lightly over the head.

“A goddess? Hmph. I gave you my loyalty because I’d never do anything to upset my grandson, but I’ll never see you as my Alpha female.”

“Yeah? Watch me pretend to care.” In actuality, she could demand Greta’s complete submission and even punish her for her disrespect, but Taryn wasn’t interested in being one of those Alphas who were so damn strict that they basically prevented the members from having a mind of their own. She didn’t want the loyalty of her pack out of fear, but out of respect.

If a few members weren’t prepared to give her that, then fine, whatever. Besides, she was so used to her relationship with Greta being like this that it would feel kind of weird if it was any different. And it was way too much fun to battle with her.

By the time Taryn had downed her breakfast and morning coffee, Trey had gone to his office as usual to check his e-mails and whatever else he did in there. Taking advantage of his absence, Taryn went outside onto the small clearing and then made her way into the forest, headed for the river. She hadn’t been there since the anniversary of her mom’s birthday and nor had she felt a need to. Until now.


