Feral Sins Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #1)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 162
Estimated words: 151489 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 757(@200wpm)___ 606(@250wpm)___ 505(@300wpm)

“So tight,” he groaned. “God, that feels so fucking good.” As he waited for her body to adjust, he ravished her lips, knotting his tongue with hers over and over. “I love your mouth. One of these days, I’m going to have those lips of yours wrapped around my cock while I fuck your mouth.”

“No way, asshole.”

“And that’s another thing I’ll be doing very soon. Fucking your sweet little ass.”

“Could you come back from La La Land? At least ’til we’re done here with the whole fucking me raw thing?”

Hearing the impatience in her tone, he said, “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll give you the hard fuck you want. Even if you didn’t want it, I’d make you take it.” He reared back and then began ruthlessly pounding into her at a furious pace. Her head dropped back and those husky sounds he loved began pouring out of her.

A growl rumbled up Trey’s chest as her claws pressed into the flesh of his back. She wasn’t breaking the skin though, wasn’t marking him. He knew that she wanted to leave her mark on him – she was clenching her jaw against the urge to bite him just as he had done that first night. Unlike her, he had no interest in holding back. He liked seeing his brand on her body and liked knowing that others would see it.

Trey leaned forward and bit down hard at the juncture of her neck, groaning as her muscles tightened around him just as they always did when he marked her. Unable to help himself he swooped down and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking hard and then biting down to leave another mark.

Her head snapped up as she growled. “Stop branding me!”

He smiled. “Why would I want to do that, baby?” Without warning he dragged her from the counter, keeping her legs wrapped around his waist, and slammed her back against the wall. Then he plunged a finger into her ass and she cried out. “That’s where I’m going to be soon, Taryn,” he promised as he continued fucking her feverishly.

“No,” she bit out, ignoring the carnal bliss of the double assault to her body.

“Oh yeah your ass is going to squeeze me so tight, just like this sweet little pussy I’m fucking.”

She kicked and scratched even as she groaned and whimpered.

“That’s it, baby, scratch me. Mark me. Your wolf needs it, doesn’t she?”

The traitorous bitch did, but Taryn was resolute that she might scratch him, but she wouldn’t break the skin, wouldn’t mark him. She wasn’t going to make the eventual separation more difficult for her wolf. It appeared that he, on the other hand, wasn’t interested in exercising any restraint. He bit her earlobe, her throat, her shoulder, and the hollow beneath her ear. The worst part about it was that it had her groaning every time. At this point she was making noises that were somewhere between moans and sobs.

“Louder, Taryn. I want every person in these caves to know that I’m fucking you right now. I want them to know that I own you.” When defiance again flashed on her face he thrust the finger in her ass hard. “Don’t you tell me no. You belong to me.”

“Then you belong to me!”

“You’re right, baby, I do.” Sensing she was close, Trey reached a hand between them and parted her folds, exposing her clit to the feverish motion of his pelvis as he repeatedly hammered into her. “Let me hear you scream, Taryn,” he demanded, “let them all hear you scream. Now!” He locked his teeth over his mark and plunged a second finger into her ass. She jolted and screamed as her climax tore through her, making her muscles close down on his cock and milk him as he forcefully exploded inside her. “Fuuuuuuck!”

This female was going to kill him.

Not sure how much longer his legs would hold him but not wanting to leave her body just yet, Trey turned and slid down the wall until his ass met the floor with a thump. She collapsed across his chest, panting and quivering with the aftershocks. “It’s not normal to come that hard.” He hadn’t realized he’d said that aloud until she spoke.

“I was just thinking the same thing.”

Obviously it was only due to their partially developed mating link and the temporary connection between their wolves. Ignoring that part of him that insisted what was between them was more than that, he let his head fall back against the wall. He grinned as his cock began hardening inside her. This was going to be a long night, he had weeks to make up for.


Taryn wasn’t oblivious to the looks she was getting from the people in the diner. As this was a place where powerful alphas tended to congregate – the kind who saw latency as a weakness – the door had never been open to her. It was kind of like a school situation where only the popular kids got to hang out in a particular crowd. That wasn’t why people kept looking at her though. It was because she was sitting next to a hulking great Alpha male who was known for being a violent bastard but was toying with her hair with the lightest touch as she ate her breakfast. The same hulking great Alpha Male who had a tendency to turn feral in his wolf form.


