Fierce Obsessions Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 104350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

He snaked his splayed hand down her flat stomach, feeling her taut muscles clench. He liked that. Roughly yanking aside her panties, he cupped her pussy. “This is where I’m going to be. In you. Taking you.” He needed it. He fucking burned for her, day and night. The hunger never went away, never eased. It was a dark, raw, vicious hunger that clawed and bit at him constantly.

“Don’t wait on my account.” Riley wrapped her fingers around his cock—it was hot and smooth, and pulsed in her hand. Keeping her grip tight, she pumped him hard, exactly the way he liked it.

He licked her lower lip. “I love this mouth. You know where I want it.”

“I know.”

“Give it to me.” It came out a harsh demand, but, shit, his cock was raging hard and it hurt like a motherfucker.

“Moving into my room, asking for me to suck you off . . . You’re full of demands, aren’t you?”

“I’ve told you before, I want everything I can get from you. Are you going to say no, Riley? Are you going to tell me I can’t have what’s mine?” He sucked on her bottom lip and pushed down on her shoulder. “Go on, baby. It’s my mouth. Let me have it.” His cock jerked as she slowly went to her knees. The sight alone had him close to coming. Keeping her hair bunched in his hand, he said, “Open.”

It wasn’t a spoken like a command, to Riley’s surprise. His voice was low, calm, coaxing, but also left no room for argument. She thought about defying him for the plain hell of it, but she knew he was expecting that. She liked catching him off guard, since he did it so often to her, so that was exactly what she did.

Tao drew in a sharp breath as she sucked him deep into her hot mouth. No preamble, no teasing flicks of her tongue, no defiant looks. And fuck, it was just what he wanted. She took him deeper with each pass, moaning and dancing her tongue around him. “Fuck, that’s it.” She hummed—the sound vibrated all the way from the base of his cock to the head . . . and his control left him in a rush.

Riley held on to his thighs as he fucked her mouth. The entire time he looked at her with eyes that gleamed with hunger, possession, and . . . something else. Something softer, something that made her heart stutter. She felt him swell in her mouth, knew he was close. Riley sucked harder and—

Tao pulled out. “One day I’m going to come in your mouth, but not today. I want inside you.” Dragging her to her feet, he caged her against the wall, snapped off her panties, and sank two fingers into her pussy. “Damn, baby, you’re soaking like you’ve never had cock before.” There was no more waiting. He had to have her. He lifted her, and her legs locked around him. “How much do you want me?”

In answer, she sank her teeth into his shoulder.

“Fuck, yeah.” He slammed home, burying himself balls deep in one smooth, possessive thrust that made her head fall back. Her pussy clamped around him, tight and hot and perfect. Cupping her ass, he pounded into her hard. His pace was brutal, relentless. Her eyes were wild, hungry. “Mine. Isn’t that right? I’m the only one who can fuck this pussy. Only me.”

Riley dug her nails into the hard muscles of his back. “You really do talk too much.”

Growling, Tao took her mouth again. The raw need spilled out of him, poured down her throat. He mercilessly hammered into her, swallowing every little moan she fed him, wanting more. He felt the telling tingle at the base of his spine, knew he wouldn’t last much longer, but he wanted her to come first. Still powering into her, he slid his thumb between her folds and rubbed her clit.

She shook her head. “I don’t want to come yet.” She didn’t want it to be over, but he rubbed her clit even faster. And when his thumb pushed on her clit just right, she fragmented as white-hot pleasure surged through her. She might have screamed, but he slammed his mouth on hers with a growl as he jammed his cock deep and exploded.

Hollowed out by how hard he’d come, Tao dropped a light kiss on her mouth. Languid, sex-dazed eyes met his, and his gut clenched. He rested his forehead on hers. Several emotions fought for supremacy inside him—emotions he didn’t know how to articulate. “You wreck me.”

She blinked. “Is that good?”

He smiled. “Oh yeah, it’s good.” It also spooked the shit out of him, but he didn’t have it in him to care.


Using a wet wipe, Riley cleaned the sprinkles of detergent powder from the floor of the laundry room. She didn’t look up, though she sensed someone enter. She’d heard their footsteps shuffling down the tunnel, she’d known they were coming. And now she could see one fluffy slipper tapping impatiently. Ha.


