Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

It strikes terror into my mind and I hold her fiercely. You are mine. We will be together, forever.

“What if we don’t get forever?” Emma whispers. “What if Azar takes that from us?”

Then I will destroy him. I will tear him open with my teeth and watch him bleed to death. Then I will char his body until there is nothing left but ashes, and I will take great joy in watching them scatter in the breeze.

She gives another deep sigh, as if such a thought makes her happy. She clings to me, but it is clear in her thoughts that she is not yet willing to give up her idea of leaving.

Tell me what you need, I demand from her. Anything she asks, I will give it.

Unless it is her freedom. That, she will never have.

“Weapons,” she says immediately. “Guns. Ammo. A fortress.” Her hands tighten in my hair and excitement flares in her eyes. “If we know he’s going to come after us, it’ll be better if we’re ready. We can find someplace that’s easy to defend and make traps. We can make Molotovs if we can find gasoline. Maybe we can find an old army supply store and see if they have grenades. I can see if I can find information on how to make homemade pipe bombs. We can set booby traps, and if he sends his goons after us, we’ll be ready. If he sends dragons after us, we’ll be ready. We can fight, but we need the equipment.” Her eyes are alight with excitement. “And if we can set ourselves up in a fortress, it’ll give us a safe place to take time to heal and work on your wings.”

I am relieved. She wishes for weapons to guard me? My strong, smart warrior mate. I am pleased. Whatever you wish for, I will get for you. Wherever you choose, we will make our nest there.

“I might skip comfort in favor of defensibility,” she admits. “I hope that’s all right with you.”

Anywhere you go, I will be there. I do not care if we sleep on a bed of hot coals.

“Let’s not get carried away,” she tells me with a chuckle. Her expression softens and she bites her lip, gazing at me. “And you? What is it you want? Should we go away? Head off somewhere distant and hope Azar doesn’t follow us?”

I brush my nose against hers. Retreat? No. We cannot be sure that he would not follow us. I like your plan. As for what I require… I brush my fingers against her soft cheek and send her a volley of erotic thoughts. I want my mate under me. I want to claim her and fill her with my seed.

She sucks in a breath, and I feel a rush of answering desire in her thoughts. All you want is me?

All I have ever wanted is you, my Emma. I lean in and claim her mouth in a fierce kiss. And I am tired of waiting.

She moans and leans into me.



There is no pleasure like kissing one’s mate, to feel her tongue brush against my own, her lips giving as I conquer her mouth. Despite the terrible perfume that blankets us, I can smell her unique scent, faint under the other masking smells. I do not need it to know that she enjoys my kiss; her little moans tell me that she does. Her thoughts encourage me to kiss her even more.

Humans are not all bad, it seems. They gave me my Emma. And they kiss, which is a sharing of mouths unlike anything I have ever experienced. Emma boldly mounted me that first time, and I can only imagine what other pleasures humans have created with their imaginations. She will show me all of them, and we will discover their pleasures together. I like the thought of this very much.

My sweet mate, I send to her as her mouth opens under mine and her little tongue pushes into my mouth. Odd how she can be so bold in all aspects, but when it comes to mating, she grows shy, as if I would somehow refuse her kisses or caresses. Does she not realize I would refuse her nothing? I love everything about her. I want her to be as hungry for me as I am for her. So when she seeks to end the kiss, I lightly suck on the tip of her tongue, and I thoroughly enjoy her little moan of response.

This fortress of yours, I send to her with a fierce kiss. Do you wish to find it today?

“Oh.” She stares up at me, dazed and panting. Her cheeks are no longer wet with her water-making, but her eyes are still red, her lashes thick, her expression soft. She sniffs and then shakes her head. “No, it can wait a day.”


