Forever Writing You Read Online Whitney G

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 24
Estimated words: 24266 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 121(@200wpm)___ 97(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

“First of all, I was never in relationships with any of those girls. It was purely physical.”

“Be still my beating heart.”

“I’ve tried to talk to you plenty of times, but you tend to growl at any guy who comes near you.”

“No, I don’t.”

“You damn near decapitated me for touching a flower today.”

“Stealing a flower.”

“That justifies a potential murder?”

I turn around and resume walking.

When we reach my favorite blooms, I stop and point.

“These are a far better choice for anyone who needs inspiration. When it comes to bouquets, everybody typically goes for the basic reds and pinks but…I think these are the best. You should throw some tulips in as well since they only bloom for like a few weeks a year. That kind of makes them exclusive.”

“Thank you,” he says. “I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome.” I pull a brown sheet of paper from my pocket and wait for him to cut a few before wrapping them.

“Can I tell you something, Everett?” I ask.


“Despite the fact that you’re cocky as hell and you think every girl likes you, I’ve always thought you were the most attractive guy at our school.”

“Good to know.” He smiles. “Thank you.”

“You can meet me right here to handle the weeds tomorrow morning.” I step back before I can get lost in his eyes. “Bye.”

Later that afternoon

Everett steps in front of me when I’m knee-deep in a leaf pile.

“Are you back to steal more flowers?” I ask.

“No.” He shakes his head. “My dad had something come up so, I gave the bouquet to my mom and just sent him a picture of it. Do you feel like showing me how to weed today?”

“You’re not really dressed for that.” I cross my arms. “Want to come back in a long-sleeved T-shirt?”

“Nah, I’m okay.” He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a set of glistening abs.

“Where do you want me?”

“In a long-sleeved T-shirt.”

“How else will you appreciate the view I’m giving you?”

“You can’t be serious…”

“Of course, I am.”

I blush, and he grabs my hands, pulling me out of the pile.

“I saw some shirts in your mom’s merch shop,” he says.

“You want to steal that, too?”

“He’s not stealing anything, Dahlia!” My mom shouts from a few rows over. “And he’s clearly here to spend some time with you, so be nice to him.”

“Exactly.” He tucks a stray curl behind my ear. “Be nice to me.”

“I’m not looking for a boyfriend.” The words fall from my lips. “And I don’t care that you’re attractive. This is hard work, and you need to focus and never touch me again.”

As if he doesn’t believe a word I’ve just said, he tugs at a different curl of mine, and before I can reiterate my empty threat, he presses his mouth against mine.

Within seconds, I’m surrendering to his kiss, setting aside all the sarcastic weapons I’d planned to fire.

His tongue slips past my lips, signaling that this won’t be a chaste moment.

This won’t be a light kiss…

He slips an arm around my waist, pulling me taut against his bare chest. Staring deep into my eyes, he teases my bottom lip with a bite before forcing my tongue to tango with his.

Dominant and primal, he whispers, “You really don’t want me to touch you again?”

His question is rhetorical, only asked to pause the sweet assault of my mouth.

When I’m nearly breathless and when my knees are seconds away from buckling, he pulls away.

Smirking, he stares at me while I lean against a pole and catch my breath.

I don’t even bother trying to act like I didn’t enjoy it. Like I don’t want more.

He smiles as if he knows, but doesn’t mention it.

“Show me how to pull the weeds,” he says instead.

I demonstrate it for him, and he catches on with ease. By evening, we’ve finished half an acre, far more than I expected.

I thank him and tell him that I’ll see him at school on Monday, but I see him a lot sooner.

He returns on Saturday morning, dressed to help.

He comes back every day after that, too…



Today’s most expensive order called for seventy-two lavender roses, twenty-eight heirloom lilies, and sixteen gerbera daisies.

After ensuring each daisy was primed correctly, I printed the shipping address and prepared the letter.

My dearest Carmen,

I know you’re constantly traveling someplace new every month, but I hope these flowers reach you before your next launch.

I can’t wait to have you in my arms again soon.

Not being with you every night is killing me.

With all my love,


Shipping information:

Carmen A. Reese


242 Hartsong Lane

Eads River, Tennessee

Isquinted at the phone number.

It was the same number from Everett’s new girlfriend, the same one I’d used via my nonstop stalking to discover that she was a beautiful brunette who graduated from the top of her class at a fashion institute.

She hardly ever posted on social media, but on the rare occasion that she did, it was always to brag about shopping or traveling.


