Forgotten Luca Read online Sloane Kennedy (The Four #1)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Four Series by Sloane Kennedy

Total pages in book: 121
Estimated words: 112069 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 560(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 374(@300wpm)

I lowered my hand and carefully pushed his away from his own flesh. He was hot and hard. He cried out my name the second my fingers closed around his shaft. He wasn't particularly thick, but his dick was long and the skin was soft. I tested his sensitivity level with a few strokes so I would know what was enough and what was too much. The sounds Remy made as I pleasured him made my own cock swell in my pants. But I didn't dare take myself out because I wanted this to be about Remy.

Only Remy.

I reached my free hand up and wrapped it around the back of Remy's neck. I drew his head down so our faces were aligned and then I began stroking him a little harder. Remy gasped and then began pumping his dick into my hand.

"That's it, baby," I said. "Fuck me with this gorgeous cock."

Remy's eyes were luminous when they opened and he stared at me. I knew in that moment exactly what he was thinking. He was wondering what it would feel like to push himself deep inside me. I was wondering about it too. It wasn't something I’d ever done with another man, but the idea of Remy and I joined together like that sounded like heaven personified.

I let Remy fuck my hand a few times and then I took over. I changed up the way I gripped him and used my thumb to toy with the sensitive areas on his shaft and crown. His pre-cum became a natural lubricant and within minutes, my fist was easily sliding up and down his length. Remy began to whimper as he tried to pump into my hand. He pressed his forehead against mine and whispered my name over and over. I knew that meant his orgasm wasn't far off. I pulled his mouth down to mine and kissed him as I increased the pressure. His hands were on my shoulders, then my neck. He kissed me back and pressed his entire body against mine so my hand was trapped between us. His thigh rode the length of my own cock and I felt the telltale signs of pleasure skating up my spine.

I lost the ability to speak after that. I doubted Remy even realized it, but he was pleasuring me in so many ways besides the obvious one of giving my dick the friction it needed. I'd never had a lover as responsive as him, as open. As Remy became more and more desperate to find his release, I increased the pace and the pressure. His fingers bit into the skin of my shoulders. I was excited at the prospect that I might have bruises there in the morning. Remy began to cry out desperately, signaling how close he was. I pulled his mouth down to mine and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back for as long as he could, but when the orgasm claimed him, he cried out into my mouth. I drank down the sounds of his pleasure as his release shot from his dick and hit my abdomen. The sticky, hot fluid seeped through my dress shirt and dampened my skin, then slid down my hand as I continued to stroke Remy.

His body jerked and thrashed against mine and his cries of relief spilled down my throat, triggering my own orgasm. I clamped my arm around his body and held him against me as my confined dick gave up the fight. I ripped my mouth from Remy's and buried it against his shoulder as the brutal climax washed over me in violent waves of sensation. I had enough sense to loosen my hold on Remy's cock, but I could still feel the heat of his flesh as more of his semen slipped over my fingers.

I had no clue how long we hung there for as we each rode out the pleasure, but when Remy slumped against me and whispered my name, I became aware enough to release my hold on his cock so I could put my other arm around him.

I wiped my wet hand on the inside of my jacket before reaching for the button that would allow me to communicate with the driver. "Take us home," was all I said before I cut the sound again. I wished I had a blanket to put over Remy, but the best I could do was turn up the heat in the back of the car. He hadn't said anything in a while, but with the way he was sprawled out against me, I was okay with that. Yeah, he was probably going to start thinking about what we'd done, but at least he had these moments of perfect contentment.

It was probably about five minutes later when Remy started to come back to me from the little daze he’d slipped into. I braced myself for him to freak out, but he surprised me when the fingers of one hand stroked my cheek and he pressed a kiss to my other cheek. "Thank you," was all he said, and then his arms went around my neck and he just held me like that.


