Four in the Family – Numbers Game Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28826 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 144(@200wpm)___ 115(@250wpm)___ 96(@300wpm)

“What do you think?” Janine coos from her side of the bedroom.

At first, I don’t respond. But then, Janine pulls one earbud out of my ear, and speaks directly into my ear.

“What do you think?” she repeats.

“Hmm?” I reply without looking up, pretending to be consumed with my studies.

“Emily!” she hisses, making me look up. She twirls around in a black shiny slip that pushes her boobs together to look like two huge melons. I can’t help but gasp because the negligee looks expensive.

“Where did you get that?” I ask in amazement.

“Tucker got it for me,” Janine replies with delight. “He got all of these outfits for me,” she adds, gesturing to the assortment of skimpy nighties strewn across her bed. “He wants me to be sexy and ready for him at any time.”

I swallow hard.

“Um, you look great,” I mumble. But Janine is oblivious to my mood.

“Thanks, Em,” she replies happily before admiring herself in the full-length mirror hanging on the wall. “You know,” she continues, “this could be your life, too.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

She whirls on me, her hands on her hips.

“I mean,” she teases, “that I saw Jason watching you after you got soaked. That man was into it.”

“Really, you saw?” I ask in a dumbfounded voice. “But you were so busy goofing around with Tucker.”

“Nothing escapes me, Em,” Janine laughs. “You should know that by now. And I’m telling you, the man was practically coming in his pants.”

“Janine!” I say breathlessly, looking down at my books to hide my ferocious blush.

“What?” she laughs again. “You know it! You saw it too. You’re welcome by the way.” I roll my eyes. But I can’t deny that what she’s saying is true. I did see the effect my soaked curves had on Jason because his bulge was like Mount Vesuvius. Anyone would have noticed, and I wonder if he had to go home to hide it.

But so what? That doesn’t mean he’s interested in actually doing something about it. Besides, Jason probably sees me as some immature kid. He may have Tucker for a twin brother, but that doesn’t mean they’re the same in that way. Dating a voluptuous teen girl might be fine for Tucker, but Jason isn’t into that sort of thing. After all, being twins just means that you share the same DNA. It doesn’t mean that you share the same morals and values.

“It’s late, girls, lights out!” comes our mom’s voice from the hallway, breaking my reverie.

“Goodnight, Mom!” Janine calls out. Then, my sister sweeps the remainder of the sexy nighties unceremoniously onto the floor while I gather my books and place them in my backpack. The light clicks off, and Janine and I lay in the dark. To my relief, she’s silent, and leaves me to my business of pretending to fall asleep before Tucker arrives.

It doesn’t take long. Soon enough I can hear a tapping on the glass, followed by Janine’s excited giggle as she tiptoes over to the window. I still can’t believe that Jason, who is in his mid-forties, is willing to behave like a schoolboy just so he can enjoy sexy times with Janine. But then again, guys are dogs. They’ll cross the Sahara with no water if it means getting to enjoy a voluptuous teen girl at the end of the trek.

Sure enough, my sister and her boyfriend get started right away.

“Mmmh,” Tucker groans. “I’ve wanted to do this all day.”

“Shhh!” Janine giggles. Some wet sucking sounds reach my ears, and I squeeze my eyes shut. Oh god, it’s going to be bad tonight. At the same time, however, I wonder what it would feel like to kiss Jason. To feel the roughness of his stubble grate against my face. To feel his hot breath on my skin, as his hands roam over my curves. The thoughts turn me on, but my attention is pulled back to what’s happening on Janine’s side of the room.

“This looks incredible on you,” I hear Tucker whisper as the material slithers sexily. Then, there are more sucking sounds, and my sister moans. Oh my god. Tucker’s probably licking her nipples now because Janine starts gasping, and sure enough, when I sneak a peek, his dark head is bent over her chest.

“Yes,” she sighs with ecstasy, arching her back to push her teat deeper into his mouth. “Mmm.”

I almost move to stroke my own nipples, just to imagine what it would be like to feel Jason’s tongue there, but stop myself because it’s too fucked up. What is wrong with me?

Then, there’s the sound of shifting bodies as Tucker moves away from Janine for a moment, positioning himself between her thighs. A sucking sound begins again, along with Janine’s sharp intake of breath, followed by another throaty moan from my sister. My heart thuds in my chest. What’s he doing to her? Something obscene? I sneak a quick peek, and sure enough, Tucker’s got his head between her thighs now. Janine’s pulling her knees up so that they’re practically by her ears, baring her slippery cunt for his enjoyment, and then there’s the distinct sound of squelching. Oh my god, Tucker must be finger-fucking her, and sure enough, my sister squeals with delight, the sound followed by a baritone chuckle.


