Get You Some Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Simple Man #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Simple Man Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 70444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 352(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

What I did have a lot to say about was that fact that she kept showing her face wherever my man happened to be, and honestly, I was getting pretty damn tired of it at this point.

She was everywhere.

If Johnny was expected to be there, so was she.

I’d lost count of how many times he’d told me that he’d been called to her place for a well-check.

This needed to stop.

I wanted her to go away, and so did he.

But I also really wanted to know what her endgame was here.

Which was why I was following her.

The only time that she left him alone was on Saturdays from around nine in the morning until mid-afternoon.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How do I know this? Because every woman has some super sleuthing skills built into her genetic code. I started searching for her on Facebook after the incident—the one where she watched her ex and I doing it against the VFW building. Then, after I’d found out about her, I’d secretly stalked her, just as I’m sure she’d stalked me, so no judging me. I had time on my hands at work, and Coke didn’t give a shit if I was on the computer as long as I got the work done that he wanted done.

Anyway, long story short, I read a comment between her and a mutual friend of mine and found out that she was headed to an appointment that shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours. She also said that she’d be free to party when she got back.

That was last weekend, and now I was wondering where exactly she was going for these appointments.

Secretly, I was hoping that she was going to a mental hospital so that she could receive counseling, but I highly doubted that I was that lucky.

No, with my luck, she was probably having pictures of Johnny printed that she had secretly taken of him over the course of the week. Then she’d take them back to her place so she could Mod Podge them to her bedroom wall and lay in the middle of the room surrounded by him.

Giggling to myself at the absurdity of my thoughts, I drove to her apartment—the building that I’d thought Johnny lived in—and was rewarded when I saw her, dressed to the nines and carrying her purse, as she walked to her car.

She didn’t spare anyone a glance, confident in her craziness, and deposited herself into a hell of an expensive car for a person who was a vet tech at the only veterinarian’s office in a small Texas town.

Wondering how someone who probably made less than me could afford a Mercedes, I followed her.

But she didn’t go anywhere local. She headed out of town and didn’t stop for the next three towns.

When she crossed the county line, I realized that wherever she was going, it might not even be in the freakin’ state.

You know what they say about curiosity and cats?

I probably should’ve turned around once I realized she was leaving the state, but there was something urging me to follow her.

No, my gut was telling me that I needed to do this, and I was about to find out why.

Thankfully, Johnny had a full tank of gas, and he was loaded for a bear—or at least somebody really hungry.

There were many snacks of all varieties and flavors in his passenger seat. My guess was that he’d bought them to help with the boredom that he suffered on the night shifts. That, or eating something helped him stay awake.

Either way, I was very thankful when I finished my second honey bun and started on my third.

The car in front of me changed lanes, and I gave it a ten count before I followed suit.

I’d never followed anyone before, so I wasn’t sure how far I needed to stay back to avoid detection.

Apparently, I was doing just fine in my stealthy pursuit skills, because I followed her for nearly an hour and a half before she exited off.

When she pulled into a Starbucks parking lot off the interstate, I chose to hang out in the gas station’s parking lot and wait. Coffee wouldn’t do me any good right now. Especially not with the fact that the parking lot was a clusterfuck of giant proportions, and I’d probably wind up losing her by trying to pull out.

When she came out ten minutes later with the biggest goddamn cup they likely had and started her car, I eased the truck out of the parking spot and waited.

Moments after that, we were both traveling along the road again when she turned off whatever main road we were on to a smaller one.

I hung back even farther now, realizing that we were tangling our way through a neighborhood, and I didn’t want her to spot me.


