Go to Hail Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Hail Raisers #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Hail Raisers Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 72196 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 361(@200wpm)___ 289(@250wpm)___ 241(@300wpm)

If there were a word that was more severe than despise, or loathe, then that would be what I felt for the woman.

That vindictive, only caring about herself, woman.

Allegra didn’t have to work to pay her bills. Travis did it for her. Alimony in the form of six hundred dollars a month, not to mention six hundred dollars a month in child support.

Though, I guess I should be more thankful that it wasn’t more. Travis had been to court eight months ago when Allegra had decided that twelve hundred dollars a month wasn’t enough for her to live on—despite living with her parents and not having to pay a single thing—unlucky for her, she’d ended up having her alimony reduced from twelve hundred bucks a month to six hundred. Then, when she wasn’t satisfied with the court’s orders, she’d tried to get more child support. That time, there was a woman judge that was known to side with the woman on most cases, and the child support went from three hundred forty a month to four hundred.

So, he’d received a tally for the win column, and a tally for the loss column. Regardless, he still had to pay her money each month that she didn’t deserve, especially when she was living somewhere that didn’t require a rent check every month. She had a fairly new car that was paid off, also. Travis bought all of Alex’s clothes—which I would know since I bought them at the same time as I bought Reggie’s clothes. Though, Travis paid me back for it ninety nine percent of the time.

So no, she really had no expenses and had no clue what it was like to have to work for a living seeing as she hadn’t worked a day in her life.

Her father had supported her from the day she was born to the day she turned twenty-two, and Travis had done it after that. When they’d gotten divorced, Allegra had moved straight back into her parents’ house, and Travis still cut her checks every month.

I, on the other hand, had lived by myself for four years before I’d met my ex, and then when we divorced two years after Reggie was born, I’d lived by myself since.

I’d bought all of my own cars. I paid my own health and car insurance. I was a big freakin’ girl with big girl freakin’ panties. Allegra was a spoiled rotten brat that likely didn’t wear any panties at all.

“Do you mind leaving?” Allegra asked me.

I looked over at Travis, giving him my ‘I don’t know what to do’ look.

He winked at me.

“Hannah is my fiancée, and deserves to hear everything that’s being said,” he interjected. “I’m sorry, but she’s not leaving.”

My mouth literally dropped open in surprise, and I stared at the man who’d just uttered words I never thought would leave his lips.

“She’s your what?” Allegra shrieked.

I, however, was too busy trying to gather my bearings.

Fiancée? Deserves to hear whatever Allegra had to say. What?

I hadn’t missed that during my twenty-two minutes and thirty-nine seconds in this room…had I?

No, I was fairly positive I’d remember being asked to marry someone, and Travis wasn’t good enough to cause me to lose my mind quite that far.

Sure, he was excellent. Tongue tangling, for sure. What he wasn’t was one who got off on making me speak in tongues—or speaking in tongues altogether.

No, I would’ve remembered.

“Fiancée,” Travis repeated. “We’re getting married next year, but no, since she can’t get off of work, she’ll be unable to go on the RV with us. That’s not to say she won’t drive to those places and meet us for a few days.”

Oh really?

Allegra’s hard, cold eyes cut to me, and then moved back to Travis.

“Over my dead body will you get to take her with that woman.”

I gritted my teeth.

This was exactly how it was with Allegra.

They’d been divorced for seven years when I came along, and had been separated for nearly a year before their divorce. So, in no way, shape, or form was this a new thing when I came into the picture.

Yet, Allegra always acted like she had some previous claim on Travis, and made it very clear that nobody would have him but her.

In all honesty, it was exhausting.

There were days that I wished I’d never met Travis.

Then I immediately began to feel bad because if I hadn’t met Travis, I wouldn’t have my son. And Travis wouldn’t have me.

Travis needed the proof that not all women were vindictive like his ex.

“Well, then we can agree to disagree that you will be taking my child to Europe with you. So unless you’re willing to stay behind—which I highly doubt that you are—you’ll have to agree to those terms.”

Allegra’s cold, dark gray eyes were positively glacial when she swept her gaze over the two of us.


