Good Girl for the Bikers – Screaming Eagles MC Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 72756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 364(@200wpm)___ 291(@250wpm)___ 243(@300wpm)

Do the people look grateful? Not really, they mostly just look slightly less terrified of us than the crazy guy with the hostage.

“Easy,” says Eagle-eye when I move into the pews. The people there pull back as quietly as they can while making sure there's room between them and the big, scary biker with murder in his gaze. Fine.

“Let her go, Grayson.” Summer refuses to give up and I want to scream at her to get her goddamn ass back here where I can protect her.

I should've expected her to do something like this. What I don't expect is that other Pastor stepping out from the crowd between Grayson and the exit. What the fuck is that moron doing?

“Grayson, I cannot allow you to leave with Jeanie. Whatever possessed you to do this, you can be stronger than that. Let her go.” He crosses his arms over his chest and glowers like only a man strong in his faith can when someone's coming at you with a fucking gun. In another life he’d probably have made a decent biker, but in this one he’s just some old guy with a death wish.


“Jesus Christ,” says Grayson and spins, pulling his gun away from the girl's head so he can aim it at the Pastor.

It's the moment I need, and I take it. So does Preacher. And Devil.

The three gunshots are so close they almost sound like one.

Grayson's only about halfway turned when the bullets slam into him and launch him towards the exit. He almost flips over completely before he lands awkwardly in the aisle, face down. His gun rattles across the floor, well out of reach.

“Everyone out. Get the crowd out,” Eagle-eye yells as the screaming and panic goes off. The slow trickle turns into a flood for the doors. Screaming and crying, the girl runs towards her mother, who grabs her and drags her along towards the exit.

Me, I race straight for Grayson. “Take care of Summer,” I snap, though I don't have to. Preacher's already wrapping his arms around her so she can finish screaming into his chest. Then Devil’s there too, and they keep her close between them.

As I get closer to Grayson, it’s like the room starts moving in slow motion, and the screaming and yelling fades.

I roll him over with my boot and the motherfucker's still breathing, even though a pool of blood is slowly spreading beneath him. It takes his eyes a long time to focus, but he finds me, just as he coughs up bloody spittle.

I crouch by his head, my gun pointing right at it.

He laughs, or tries to. A raspy cough followed by a groan of pain. “What are you going to do?” he forces out. “Shoot me again?”

“No need. Looks like you're already fucked.”

He coughs again before drawing a sharp hiss between his teeth. “Just finish me off.”

“Nah. I’m enjoying the show.”

His eyes shut a moment, then open and find me again. “I'm glad I killed your bitch of a mother. She was always getting in the fucking way.”

“You know, I’m glad I get to fucking hear you say it straight out. I appreciate the fucking closure.” I spit, and take just a little bit of pleasure in his disgusted grimace when it hits him in the eye.

“Classy.” Grayson coughs again. “So now what? Just going to fucking sit there and watch? It's getting old.”

“Nah. I think I'm done.”

I shoot him in the face.



The gunshot echoes through the Hall of Grace, and I can't help it. Even with Preacher's big arms around me and Devil against my back, I scream, throwing my hands to my ears. There are some other screams too, but they're far away, probably the last of the congregation fleeing through the exits.

“The fuck?” yells Preacher.

“Not sure what happened,” says Crash, his voice dark. He's coming closer but I refuse to look away from Preacher's chest. My eyes are squeezed shut anyway. “The gun went off. I'll have to look it over when I get home.”

I don't believe him, and I doubt anyone else here does either, but the way he says it, calmly and uncaring, makes it very plain that he's not interested in talking about it. I can’t even blame him, not after everything he did.

“Let's get her outta here. Take her down the other aisle.”

“Clean up on aisle three!” someone yells.

Oh God.

Preacher and Devil guide me, keeping themselves between me and where I know Grayson lies the whole time. I don't know how to feel right now, and I'm sick of people dying, but I'm glad they saved Jeanie and Pastor Harley.

As soon as we're out, I draw in fresh air like I thought I would never get another chance. It clears my head, makes me feel connected again. And with Preacher and Devil by my side, I know I’ll get through this.


