Guardian Daddy – MC Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 134598 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 673(@200wpm)___ 538(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)


Cate snuck into the kitchen the next afternoon to get some coffee.

At lunchtime, which Ethan had insisted she come out of her office to eat with him, he’d told her no more coffee until she finished her bottle of water. But she needed coffee. It was essential for life.

And why he had such an obsession with her drinking more water, she had no idea.

As she stepped into the kitchen, she came to a stop.


This was a bad idea.

She’d managed to avoid running into Samantha all day. Even though she’d heard her yelling from Rhodes’ room late last night. And Ethan had told her that Rhodes slept on the couch last night.

She’d feel bad . . . if it wasn’t all Samantha’s fault.

And I’m not going to apologize for something that isn’t my fault. My butt is still stinging from last night’s punishment.

Still, she’d rather not interact with the woman right now. Rhodes was in his office with Kevin. Ethan had gone to the airport to pick up a new bodyguard that Ink was sending out. They’d only found one local guy who’d been able to come on full time. So Ink was temporarily sending a guy called Butch until they could get someone else local to help carry the load.

She wasn’t sure where Seth was exactly, although she imagined he was near Rhodes or outside. The bikers were no longer around now, apparently they all had jobs to get to.

Cate nearly took the cowardly route and stepped back out of the kitchen, but then she saw that Samantha was looming over poor Polly, who had her head lowered, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

And she couldn’t leave her like that.

“For fuck’s sake, Polly! Are you an idiot? Why can’t you get anything right, you fool!” Samantha snarled.

What. The. Hell?

What a bitch!

Memories rushed at Cate. All those times when her aunt and uncle called her names, yelled at her, dragged her around . . . they all flashed through her mind.

Polly was one of the sweetest people she’d ever met. Sure, she hadn’t interacted with her much. Cate wasn’t good with social situations and Polly seemed to be painfully shy, which meant neither of them was willing to take the first step.

Still, that didn’t mean that Cate would stand by and listen to Samantha abuse her. Pushing away her fear, she stepped forward.

“Samantha!” she said sharply. “You can’t talk to Polly like that.”

Samantha whirled.


Cate had never seen her look anything but perfect. Not even when she first got out of bed in the morning. Usually, she didn’t have a hair out of place and her makeup was expertly applied.

But this morning, there was smudged mascara under her eyes and her hair was messy. There was even a stain on the top she was wearing.

This didn’t seem good.

“You . . . this is all your fault!” Samantha told her.

Cate watched her in concern. “Samantha, you don’t seem well.”

“Not well? What the fuck would you know, you idiot savant.”

Um. What? Why was she calling her that?

Polly walked over toward Samantha. “Um, Samantha, maybe we should book you in for a facial or a massage.”

“I don’t want a facial or massage, you stupid, ugly idiot!”

Samantha’s voice was growing louder, and Cate’s tummy tightened.

She needed to get away from her.


No, she needed to help Polly. That was more important than her fear.

“Get out,” Cate said in a harsh voice. That was it. She was done. She was not putting up with Samantha anymore. “You need to leave. Right now. You’re not welcome here anymore.”

“Excuse me.” Samantha glared at her. “I’m not going anywhere. This was supposed to be my house. Rhodes was going to be my husband. And the only person who should be going anywhere is you! As soon as I had his ring, I’d have kicked you out. Always hanging around, getting in the way, ruining everything with your needy patheticness.”

Was patheticness even a word?

“It’s all your fault that everything has gone wrong! Are you happy now?”

“Why would I be happy?” Cate asked, completely confused.

She wondered if she should run and get Rhodes. His office was sound-proof, so she doubted he could hear them.

Samantha’s yelling was hard for her to take, but she was managing.


“Because you finally got what you wanted. Your brother all to yourself. He wants me out! Now, you can carry on with your weird relationship. It’s disgusting how much he dotes on you. It’s sick. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is something going on between the two of you.”

“You’ve completely lost your mind.”

“I have not! It’s you! It’s you!” Samantha screeched.

Oh God.

Samantha’s voice was piercing. Cate trembled as the other woman stepped toward her. Then Samantha’s hand flew back and she slapped her.

The sharp pain shocked her. Tears filled her eyes as her cheek throbbed. Cate reached up to put her hands over her ears. Her breath came in sharp pants.


