Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

“What do you mean?”

He moved around me. “Come on. Let’s continue this conversation in my Jeep.” So, we did. I tiptoed down the stairs behind Shay. When he noticed, he started laughing. “They’re not going to open the door. They’re respecting my privacy. They’re good friends like that.”

I still remained quiet, waiting on the last step with my heart in my throat, and a hand on his back as he pulled on his shoes. When he was done, he grabbed my hand again, and led the way outside, down the driveway, and to his Jeep. I’d parked behind it, but even as I thought about just driving behind him, he said, “Don’t even think it. Get in the vehicle, Clarke.”

Hearing my last name unwound the last of the knots in my stomach. For some reason, I loosened, and it stayed that way on the drive to the diner.

We didn’t pick up the same conversation until we got a back booth and ordered. Once the server left, our water and coffee already filled, I asked, “What did you mean about Linde looking at me differently?”

Shay angled his head to see behind me before focusing on me again. “I didn’t see anyone I knew in the other section.”

I hadn’t either. “Shay.”

He hunched forward, picking up his coffee. “Linde likes you. I’m sleeping with you. Yeah, call me selfish, but I’d be okay with him looking at you differently.”

I sat there. Stunned.

He noticed my look. “You didn’t know?”

I shook my head. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” There was no question on his face. “I don’t think he has it bad for you, but yeah. He’s interested.”

“I thought we were friends.”

“And he thought that since you didn’t hate him, you had the hots for him.” He shook his head, sipping his coffee again. “You might want to deal with that before it gets awkward.”

“You guys are good friends.”

“Look.” His mug was lowered to the table, and he leaned close. “I didn’t poach, if that’s what you’re thinking. He didn’t lay claim to you, and the shit that went down between us, that was happening long before I realized he was interested in you.”

I widened my eyes. “I didn’t say you did. There was no judgment there.”

He frowned. “Maybe I do feel some guilt, but I shouldn’t.” His jaw clenched, and his eyes grew hooded. “If you do end up going on a date with him, you and I are no longer doing what we’re doing. I’m not going to sleep with a chick my friend is dating.”

I sat there and could only blink a few times. Those words were so fast and had such bite to them.

He was jealous. Right?

I frowned. “Are you pissed at me because your friend is interested in me? I’m not going to date Linde. I had no idea how he felt until you told me. I thought he was my friend, only my friend.”

“But now that you know, does that change your feelings?”

“For him?”

“Yes.” He rolled his eyes. “Who else do you think I was talking about?”

Him, but that’d be ridiculous. There was a rule. We didn’t talk about us, though that was all we’d been doing since we got to the diner. Or, well, kind of. We were, but we weren’t. We were definitely avoiding talking about one aspect of us, the emotional stuff.

Because there is nothing there, I had to remind myself. Sex and now friendship. That was it. And he was my classmate.


“What? No. No. I don’t want to date Linde. I wouldn’t have wanted to date him even if you and I weren’t doing what we’re doing.”

“Good.” And that was all he could say because the server returned to take our order.

I hadn’t looked at the menu yet.

Shay said, “I already know what I want.”

The girl looked annoyed. She had a glazed-over expression in her eyes, and she began tapping on her order pad.

I said to Shay, “You order, and I’ll look.”

He took his time, stalling for me, and once he was done, I just ordered a muffin and some fruit.

“That’s it?” he asked once the server left.

“I ate shitty last night and at lunch.”

“You want to keep talking about Linde?”

“No.” I waved my hands between us. “Time out on the Linde talk. I don’t want to date him. I won’t be dating him, and there was never any intention of me dating him.”

“As long as we’re clear.” His smirk was back in place, and goddamn, a part of me settled just seeing it. It’d been a long-lost friend at this point. I laughed under my breath at that, pulling my laptop out of my bag.


I looked up. “What?”

“You laughed at something.”

“It’s nothing. You have this smirk you get when you’re being cocky. You know you’re being kind of a jackass, but you think you’re so irresistible.”

His eyebrows went up. “That’s what my smirk says to you?”


