Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

“About what?”

I waved that off, another yawn. “That’s for later, too.”

A soft knock sounded on his door.

His hand ran down my back. “Okay. I’ll be back in an hour.”

“You run for an entire hour?” I curled up, pulling the blankets tight around me. “You’re insane. I’m sleeping with a crazy man.”

He chuckled. A look passed in his eyes, but it was gone in a flash and he stood, crossing the room. He grabbed for his phone and opened the door. I heard a soft and muffled, “I’m ready.”

Then the other person asked, “I wasn’t sure if you were coming. Thought you’d skip because of . . .” His voice trailed off.

I tensed, recognizing Linde’s voice.

Shay just laughed. “Nah. I’m ready to go.”

“I’m sure you are.”

I fought against rolling my eyes, holding my breath, but Shay kept himself as a barrier. Linde couldn’t see me, not as long as Shay was in the doorway. A second later, he stepped out and pulled the door closed. I listened, but could barely hear them descending the stairs and leaving.

I reached for my phone, checking for messages before I went back to sleep.

Deleting all of Missy’s texts asking where I was, I lingered on the one sent after I would’ve already left for the hospital.

Missy: Not sure what’s going on, but I’m here if you need me.

That was nice of her. I thumbed off a response, knowing she didn’t turn her phone on until she was leaving for her morning classes.

Me: I’m good. Slept at a friend’s. Be back later. Have a good day.

I didn’t expect a response, and I rolled over, tossing my phone on the floor.

It buzzed a second later, and I grabbed for it, surprised.

Missy: Good. Up half the night. I was worried. If you’re okay, then I’m going back to bed.

I cringed, muttering to myself, “And the award for the Most Insensitive Roommate goes to . . .”

Me: Sorry. I thought you’d go to sleep, but I’m fine. Sorry again.

Missy: No problem. Good night/good morning!

I grinned, dropped my phone back to the floor, and curled back over. I was asleep within seconds.

A bang woke me up the second time, and I assessed my surroundings. Shay was still gone. The bathroom door was open so he wasn’t in there. I looked for his running clothes, but didn’t see them dropped in a pile. Reaching for my phone, I’d slept an hour. They were probably still going, but hearing a second bang, I realized it was from the kitchen.

The guys were up.

That meant I probably wasn’t getting any more sleep, so with too much effort this early in the morning, I got up, used the bathroom, got dressed, and grabbed my things. I was sneaking down the stairs when a roar of laughter came from the kitchen. I jerked, flattening against the wall for a second, but no one opened the door.

I slipped outside, feeling like a criminal. I was at my car when I heard a light pounding of feet. I looked over, the group of guys were heading back to the house, but two broke off and came my way.

Shay was in front, and Linde was slightly beside and behind him at the same time. Both slowed when they got to my car. Shay stopped a few feet from me, but Linde looked almost dumbstruck. His eyes were opened wider than normal, and a shadow formed in them seconds before his lips pressed back together.

Shay was looking between the two of us, just waiting.

“So.” Linde rested a hand on the top of my car’s trunk. Sweat glistened from his face, rolling down to plop on his clothes and on the cement by his shoes. His headphones were hanging around his neck, the cords leading to his shirt’s pocket. “This is going on.”

Shay was sweating, too, but no headphones. He straightened, both his hands going in his pockets. His shoulders were slightly hunched. He didn’t say anything.

I tried for a smile. “Uh, yeah. We’re not dating or anything.” Let the shame kick in, and I shared a look with Shay. He shook his head, the slightest of twitches, and I knew he was telling me not to worry about that.

Linde was one of my first friends. I would.

Linde pulled his gaze between us slowly. “You’re just fucking? Is that it?”

Shay opened his mouth, but then Linde held his hands up. “Look. It’s none of my business. Though, if this joker hurts you, let me know. I’ll rough him up in practice one day. Maybe clip him extra hard so he has to miss a game.”

Shay swore, though he was grinning.

Linde was smiling back, but it seemed forced. That shadow still lingered in his eyes.

He held a hand up in a goodbye, heading back to the sidewalk and toward the house where the others had gone.


