His First Surrender Read online Max Walker (Stonewall Investigations Miami #3)

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Stonewall Investigations Miami Series by Max Walker

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 85817 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 429(@200wpm)___ 343(@250wpm)___ 286(@300wpm)

“Take those off,” I said. Commanding the dancers was never my thing, but fuck if I couldn’t wait another second. I needed to see Sam naked as badly as I needed water to fuel my body.

His smile twisted into a smirk. I licked my lips, watching him as he unzipped, his bulge instantly falling out. He wore a simple pair of gray briefs, and I could see a growing wet spot marking the spot where my tongue needed to be.

The music I had started to play faded into the background. I could only hear myself breathing, my heart rate pounding. I opened my legs a little wider, giving room for my rock-hard cock which twitched up so that it sat on my thigh, the outline clearly visible through my light pants. Sam’s eyes darted down before they came back up to meet mine, his cock giving a rogue throb and making his briefs stretch.

His jeans were tossed to the side. He started to dip, slow, his eyes dropping to the floor but mine pinned on him. I drank him up. The way he dipped, it made his briefs stretch even more. The head of his leaking cock poked out from the leg of his underwear, almost making me lose my fucking shit. I started to rub myself, watching as Sam dipped and bounced, running his hands up and down his thighs, over his exposed tip.

And then he did something that turned my body into a furnace.

He ran his thumb over his wet slit and brought the sticky precome up to his lips, popping his thumb into his mouth and sucking, a smile growing on his lips as he started getting back onto his lips.

“Holy fucking shit,” I exhaled. “You’ve really never stripped before?”

“I’ve imagined it plenty of times. And maybe practiced in my bedroom. Alone.”

“Are you glad to have an audience this time?”

His confidence grew by the second. He reached down and grabbed a handful. “I thought that was obvious?”

“You little fucker.”

“Little?” He cocked his head, a small curl of brown hair falling onto his forehead.

I had no idea what had gotten into Sam, and frankly, I was a little upset it wasn’t my cock, but whatever Sam was feeling made him one fucking sexy stripper.

And he was all mine. All of it.

As he dropped the band of his briefs, pulling them down slowly over his thick shaft, I realized just how lucky that made me.

He teased me, pulling them up and down, turning so that his bubble butt was to me, making me even hungrier. I couldn’t wait to spread his ass, taking it in exactly the way I wanted to.

When he turned to me again, his cock was fully exposed, standing straight in the air, his balls tight against him.

My jaw dropped. I could feel a growing wetness smearing my thigh. I’d never been this turned on before, not by anyone. Sam threw a bucket of lit matches directly into my veins.

He dropped the briefs to his ankles. I hadn’t even realized the playlist we were listening to had ended. It was only Sam and me, with the gentle rustle of the palm trees and the occasional call of a cicada.

“Fuck,” I said, finding it the only word I could form. Everything else escaped me as I took Sam in, all of him. From the slight slope of his chest, down to his stomach, dusted with a fine trail of brown hair, leading down to his trimmed pubes just begging to have my nose buried inside of. His cock was long and thick; he held it with one hand, and there was still plenty more room for me. He had impressive thighs, which I could easily imagine being thrown over my shoulder as I pummeled into him.

“Still want to call me little?” he asked, toying with me as he stroked himself. This was not the shy Sam who had been treading water in my pool, nervous to share his first kiss with someone. I could still sense some nerves in him, and noticed them more when his gaze would occasionally break from mine, but those moments were getting further apart.

Something was happening, and I wanted to ride that moment.

I stood up. “Sam, there’s nothing little about you.” I moved closer, my cock painfully pushing against my jeans, my thigh sticky and wet. I didn’t ask this time. I pushed in, his stiff dick pressing against mine as our lips crushed together. Sam’s hands gripped onto my hips as I grabbed his head, our tongues writing an endless story together. I probed and he swirled and I moaned. Cloud nine. No, fuck that, we were on cloud infinity.

And I was about to take Sam even higher.

“Come with me,” I said, breaking from the kiss even though it physically pained me to do so. Sam looked up at me with those big brown eyes I could stare into for the rest of my life.


