Hot Blooded – Marchesi Loan Sharks Read Online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 17
Estimated words: 16236 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 81(@200wpm)___ 65(@250wpm)___ 54(@300wpm)

Tom’s eyes widened. “You slept with him? No wonder Vinnie killed him.”

I rolled my eyes. “Trevisani men sure as hell are possessive, aren’t they?”

“They are. It’s hot though.”

“Yeah, it is. I was planning on running. I was going to use that money, but now when I really think about it, how far would I have made it? I’d always be looking over my shoulder.”

“At least with us, you know someone has your back. Does Tony make you happy?”

I took a moment to consider the question instead of immediately saying yes. Tony satisfied me like no other man, and that certainly made me happy. But I’d also enjoyed the days we’d lingered in bed after fucking, neither of us wanting to leave. Before Tony, I tried to keep all my relationships purely sexual, but with him, I had trouble drawing those lines. Something just felt right with him.

I’d never let a man make me breakfast, but talking with Tony over coffee and eggs was nearly as heavenly as being in bed. Earlier I’d told him I didn’t know him, but that was a lie. I knew him as well as I knew my brothers and they’d been there every day of my life—not that they’d ever made much of an effort to get to know me.


“Then stay. Give Tony a chance.”

I huffed. “Like he’d let me leave.”

“If he thought you would be happier without him, he might.”

“But it’s not really his choice, is it? It’s Vinnie’s or the Marchesis.”

Tom smiled. “I’ve met Lucien, you know. He isn’t as bad as people say, as long as you’re an ally.”

“But I’m the enemy—or at least his son.”

“True, but like Vinnie, Lucien’s in love. It changes a man.”

In love. Was I in love with Tony? Was that the feeling that had me thinking of him every fucking day, longing to go back, to find him? “I don’t know if I can do this.”

Tom smiled. “You can. It’s not easy to love them, but I’ve been with Vinnie for a while now, and it gets more comfortable, even when they’re being assholes.”

His grin made me laugh. “I can only hope.”

“They’re also really good at apologizing.”

I thought of what happened in the woods with Tony and imagined apology sex. “I bet.”

“I’m sure you’ll be finding out sooner than you know.” As if on cue, I heard a door open and footsteps approaching. “Like I said….”

We were both laughing when Tony and Vinnie entered the room.

Vinnie frowned. “What’s going on here?”

“We’re having a civilized conversation instead of posturing at each other,” Tom said.

Vinnie looked him up and down. “You’re really asking for it.”


The affection in both their glances told me that whatever happened between them after this, they would both enjoy it.

“Come with me.” Tony’s voice was gruff. I wanted to protest being spoken to like that, but Vinnie was watching us closely. I could tell Tony off in private.

We headed down the hall. Tony motioned to a room, and I stepped inside expecting to see Vinnie’s office. Instead, we were in what I assumed was a guest room. It was illuminated only by an antique hurricane lamp, but I could tell there was king-sized bed with a white comforter, a dark green sofa, and a large, old-fashioned wardrobe. “What are we doing in here?”

“Talking,” Tony said.

“And Vinnie doesn’t mind us ‘talking’ in here?” I looked pointedly at the bed.

“All he cares about is getting his way.”

“So you’re planning to seduce the information out of me, right?”

Tony scowled. “You have to know we can’t go through with a plan when we don’t actually know what information you have. It’s like stepping into a fight not knowing if my gun is loaded.”

“The gun is loaded. I can promise you that.”

Tony frowned. “It’s stuffy in here.” He crossed the room, then unlocked and opened a window. A light breeze floated in along with the sound of music coming from a neighboring courtyard.

When he faced me again, he said, “Even if I were willing to accept your word, Vinnie’s not, and he will only tolerate a minimum of defiance from me. I can’t do more than I’ve done, not and keep you safe, which is my number one mission.”

“Of course it is.” The words came out more bitter than I meant. I was just getting tired of protection and confinement being the same thing.

“Do you doubt me?” Tony asked “Do you doubt how much I care? Do you understand what I’m risking?”

I knelt in front of him, and he sucked in his breath. “Are you saving me the trouble of seducing you?”

“Maybe. Or maybe I want to say thank you for eliminating Billy, for defending me, for taking all these risks.”

“Are you going to turn the zip drive over to Vinnie?”

I shook my head. “I can’t do that.”

“You have to. It’s the only way you’ll be safe.”


