How Not To Be A Goddess Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 94823 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

That was when I heard it, a sound that was even lovelier than I had let myself hope for, but at the same time a sound that was almost eerily familiar—-


My name on his lips, as he started cumming inside of me.

COLOR HEATED MY CHEEKS as I watched Hadrian pick the tattered remains of my panties and leggings, and it was a struggle to keep my mouth shut when I saw him shove the pieces inside his pocket.

Should I ask...

I thought about it.


"Wait here," Hadrian murmured just before leaving the cubicle, and I could feel my face burning a hotter shade of red when I heard the way the other guys started ribbing him. Other tenants had started coming in at least an hour ago, and suffice to say, they had all stuck around to enjoy the, um, sounds.

When Hadrian came back, he had a fluffy oversized robe to wrap around my half-naked body, and I didn't even bother feigning a protest as he swung me up in his arms. I burrowed deep into his chest as he stepped out, and I could only feel grateful my hair was long enough to hide my face when I heard the guys start whistling and clapping.

My first walk of shame, I thought sorrowfully, and it just had to happen when I was already forty.

"Forget about them," Hadrian said gruffly once we were out of earshot. "They're just jealous."

"I would be, too, if I were in their place," I mumbled under my breath. "Men aren't supposed to last for more than a couple of minutes—-" Even without raising my head, I could practically feel Hadrian smirking at this. "While you—-" I broke off as a thought suddenly occurred to me, and I abruptly started trying to wriggle out of his hold.

"Hold on..." Hadrian only lowered me back to my feet once we were inside the elevator, and he had pushed the button for our floor. He glanced down at me questioningly then, asking, "What is it?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, demanding suspiciously, "How old are you?"

His lips curved. "Why do you want to know?"

I groaned. I knew it. Mr. 13A had officially turned me into a cougar. "You're a lot younger than me, aren't you?" It was the only reason I could think of to explain how he had the stamina of a sex-starved frat boy.

"Do I look like I'm younger than you?"

I groaned again. "You're not answering my question." Which totally meant I was right. He was younger than me, never mind the fact that he didn't look like it. Maybe he was like George Clooney, and he had been born looking dashingly mature even in his teens.

"Just tell me how old you are," I insisted.

"Why does it have to matter—-"

"Because I'm forty!"


"Ha!" Did he think I was stupid? Did he think I wouldn't notice that little pause before he allowed himself to lie?

Amusement glittered in his eyes when he saw me glower. "You think I'm lying about my age?"

"I can't think why you feel like you have to," I answered truthfully, "but yes."

"Fine then. I'm younger than you."

I was pretty sure he was, but then I noticed the smirk slowly unfolding over his lips—-

"I'm being serious here!"

This time, Hadrian didn't bother pretending. He threw his head back in a laugh, the sound as sexy as it was irritating.

"I really mean it," I growled. "I'm serious—-"

"You look cute when you pout," he remarked.

I was distracted and flustered right away. "Stop that." But a half second later, I also heard myself ask, "Really?"

"Really." His tone was solemn, but his eyes...

"You're laughing at me again," I accused.

"Because you're cute."

I bit back a groan. "Stop that." You'd think that hearing him use the almost exact same pick-up line would've turned me off, but nope. It just made me want to throw myself at him...and stay glued to his rock-hard body.

Hadrian offered me his hand when the elevator doors opened to our floor, and even though a part of me had this urge to flee, it also felt natural somehow to place my hand in his.

We walked in silence, and I told myself not to expect anything. He was just being a gentleman. There's no reason for me to think that what happened this morning could turn into something else.

So if he leaves, just let him go, and don't you ever run after him.

Got that?!

We reached our respective doors, and I took a deep breath.

Play it cool, Saoirse.

But when I finally lifted my head, it was as if he had only been waiting for me to meet my gaze.

"What are your plans for today?"

My heart thundered against my chest.

He wants to see me again!

I couldn't keep myself from beaming at the thought, and Hadrian's handsome face softened with a smile of his own.

"I thought it was just going to be a one-off thing with us," I admitted.


