If You Say So Read online Lani Lynn Vale (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: KPD Motorcycle Patrol Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71871 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 359(@200wpm)___ 287(@250wpm)___ 240(@300wpm)

Then his cock was inside of me, filling me up, slow and steady.

At first, the new position felt like he couldn’t get deep enough, but then I realized that it was because he was holding me in such a way that I couldn’t get all of him.

Why, you ask, was he holding me that way?

Because he could get to my asshole with his finger if I was pushed forward with my hands resting on his knees.

I cried out in surprise when I took him fully inside of me.

I cried out again, even louder this time, when his finger brushed against my back entrance in a playful rub that was meant to tease and test the waters.

When I didn’t object, and only started to ride him, he got bolder.

Each time I lifted my hips and then fell back down, he’d brush against it.

Teasingly at first, and then more firmly the more I rode him.

Soon, when I came back up to slide him out of me, his hand followed as he finally breached the entrance with his little finger.

I froze, his cock head the only thing inside of me, and waited to see what else he would do.

He urged me to come back down, and I did, taking him in fully until my thighs were pressed against his thighs.

Then his finger in my back entrance slid deeper.

It didn’t hurt.

Not at all.

But it definitely felt extremely weird.

Then he pulled it out completely, leaving me feeling bereft.

To help combat the feeling, I once again started to ride him.

Then he replaced his pinky finger with his middle finger, and that was a whole new ball game.

Things started to tighten up in reaction to the stretching not-quite-pain.

And I felt like I was on fire.

My nipples were peaked hard.

My eyes were squeezed shut, and every single bit of my concentration was centered on not coming.

Too late, though.

I didn’t realize how close I was until I was on the very edge, tipping over to the point of no return.

Sensing my closeness, he shoved his finger in deep, then pulled me down so hard that I felt him in places that I hadn’t felt him before.

The orgasm that took me over was nothing short of spectacular.

Anything that happened with Luca never was, though.

It was always perfect.

Always all-encompassing.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chanted.

Then his finger was gone, and he was urging me on, faster and faster until he exploded right alongside me.

All in all, it was less than five minutes from start to finish.

But I felt like my entire life had just changed right before my eyes.

“We’re going to have to do that again,” I said as I leaned back into him.

“Oh, don’t worry. We will,” he assured me.

Chapter 17

Blow me. I’m hot.

-Coffee Cup


The next day we ran into Cromwell and his brother.

“Nice to meet you,” I said, offering Cromwell’s brother my hand even though it was the last thing in the world that I wanted to do.

Cromwell’s brother was seventeen but looked like he was at least twenty-five with the beard that he was sporting.

“Brent,” he said. “My brother Toby tells me a lot about you.”

Toby. Dr. Cromwell’s name was Toby? Since when?

“Umm,” I said, feeling slightly uncomfortable. “All good things I hope.”

Thankfully, he only smiled.

“Who’s this?” he asked, jerking his chin up in Luca’s direction.

Luca was busy using a net to catch fish.

He was standing about waist deep in the water and tossing a net designed to catch small baitfish into the water over and over.

The reason he wasn’t catching fish, I was sure, was because he was still learning how to use the net.

Each time he threw it, he ended up tossing it over onto itself, making the net downright useless since he wasn’t able to close the net onto the fish as he pulled it up.

But each throw he got better and better and better.

His eyes, however, were on me as he pulled the net in.

His hat was pulled down low over his head, and he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt designed to be cool and not burn him.

The only thing that could be seen were his hands and the underside of his chin thanks to the funny floppy hat I’d bought him at a convenience store as we stopped to get gas earlier in the day.

“That’s my fiancé,” I said, not liking the way Brent was staring at Luca as if he was the interloper instead of the other way around.

“He doesn’t look like someone that you would be attracted to,” he pointed out.

I refrained from saying, ‘And how would you know what I am and am not attracted to?’

Instead, I chose to ignore the kid and watch my man.

His next cast with the net went a little wonky, but when he pulled the net up, he had a rather impressive amount of fish in his hold.


