Jolie’s Little Fourth of July Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 47381 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 237(@200wpm)___ 190(@250wpm)___ 158(@300wpm)


He might need to learn how to filter a bit. At least when it came to Jolie. It seemed that her skin might not be as tough as he’d thought it was.

And he hated the idea that he might hurt her.

“Bumblebee, I didn’t mean anything by that. I’m just… fuck, I’ve been awake all night worrying about you.”

Surprise filled her face. “You have?”

“Yeah, baby, I have.” He ran his gaze over her pale face, the dark marks under her eyes. She looked like she’d lost weight. How was that even possible? It was only a few days since he’d last seen her.

She looked so small in the bed, her dark-blonde hair lank and messy, her nose red from blowing it too often.

His poor girl appeared to be so damn miserable.

A wave of affection and caring caught him by surprise. He wanted to pick her up, cradle her close. Tell her that he would take care of her, wouldn’t let anything or anyone touch her.

When was the last time he’d put someone ahead of himself? Someone who wasn’t a member of his family?

He couldn’t even remember.

Yeah. He’d categorically turned into a selfish asshole.

Time for that to change if he was going to convince her she belonged to him.

“Guess I look like shit, too, huh?” he said with a grin.

Her lips twitched. “It’s not a competition. But I definitely look worse than you.”

“Not possible. I’ve got bags under my eyes to rival a 747.”

“Well, I’ve got a nose that puts Rudolph’s to shame,” she told him.

“I’m more pasty than a snow cone without a flavor.”

“Well, I… have…” she started coughing before she could finish that sentence.

Brand reached over and grabbed the glass of water the nurse had picked up and took it from her. Then he slid one hand behind Jolie’s head while holding the glass up to her mouth. “Drink slowly, baby.”

Fuck. What did he know about taking care of someone who was ill?

Pretty much zilch. But hey, he could always call his mom. She’d taken care of him plenty when he was sick. Or one of his sisters. His nephews always seemed to be coughing or snotty or something.

He had this.

He totally had it.

Jolie drew her head back, staring up at him in amazement. Yeah, he knew he deserved that look. He slid his hand away from the back of her head, laying her back down.

“Do you need some more water?”

She shook her head, then winced as though that had hurt.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” he demanded, glaring over at the older man and woman.

“Do you have a headache, Jolie?” the man asked.

“Just a bit of one.”

Which probably meant it was killing her. He’d noticed that when it came to her own comfort and care, she tended to downplay everything.

“She needs painkillers,” he barked.

“Brand, meet Doctor Nelson and Nurse Beverly. They’ve been taking care of Jolie.” There was a note of censure in Derek’s voice.

Okay, then. They’d been looking after his girl, and he should probably be nicer.

Fine. He could play nice. He could even be charming when he needed to be. Most of the time, it was all a show, of course.

Because deep down, he was a surly bastard.

But he smiled at them both. “I’m sorry. You’ll have to forgive me. I’ve been awake all night worrying over Jolie, and it’s made me forget my manners. I’m Brand Starr.” He held out his hand to each of them. They shook it, but they still didn’t look overly impressed.

He didn’t really care as long as they were taking good care of his girl.

“You’re not due for another hour for painkillers, I’m afraid, Jolie,” Nurse Beverly told her.

“That’s all good. I’ll be fine.” Jolie gave the older woman a tired smile. “Can I go back to my room now?”

“You can. We’ll arrange a chair for you,” the doctor said. “Nurse Beverly will be in to check on you several times, all right? And we have your medication all ready as well. She can administer it for you.”

“All right. Thanks. That’s really kind. You’ve all gone above and beyond for me, and I appreciate it. I hope I haven’t been too much of a hassle.”

He frowned at that. Why would she think she was a hassle?

“Of course you haven’t,” the doctor reassured her.

Jolie pushed at the blankets covering her. She was wearing a pair of blue pinstripe pajamas. They looked like men’s pajamas.

He didn’t like that.

A shiver ran through her, and he jumped forward to tug the blankets back up.

“What are you doing? I need those off so I can walk.”

“You’re shivering,” he said. “Keep them on.”

“Brand.” She shot him a look.

“Jolie.” He gave her a far sterner look. “Do as you’re told.”

She huffed out a breath, but it sounded wheezy, and she let go of the blankets.

Yeah. Few people could out-stubborn him. He spotted something he hadn’t noticed before. It must have been hiding under the blankets with Jolie.


