Just a Bit Wicked Read Online Alessandra Hazard (Straight Guys #7)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Straight Guys Series by Alessandra Hazard

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63199 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 316(@200wpm)___ 253(@250wpm)___ 211(@300wpm)

“Spread your thighs wider,” Sebastian said, lining himself up.

They both watched his cock disappear slowly inside Vlad’s hole. Sebastian sucked a breath in as incredible tightness enveloped him.

Vlad was panting, his eyes glazed over. “This feels unnatural,” he said through his teeth.

Sebastian pulled out and thrust in, hitting Vlad’s prostate. Vlad sucked a breath in, arching under him.

“You were saying?” Sebastian said, bracing himself over Vlad and smirking down at him as Vlad’s ass clenched around his cock.

“Fuck you,” Vlad said, grabbing a fistful of Sebastian’s hair and pulling him down for a furious kiss. Sebastian kissed back, his hips moving, grinding into Vlad helplessly, wanting to fuck so badly he could barely think.

They fucked, hard and fast. It wasn’t sex; it was a fuck, as primitive and base as it could get. Vlad was grunting under him, quiet moans slipping from his mouth when Sebastian’s cock nailed his prostate. For all Vlad’s protests, he was clearly loving this, loving being fucked. The noises he was making were bloody beautiful.

“Still not a faggot?” Sebastian whispered, thrusting harder and deeper, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. Topping was too much work; it was one of the reasons he preferred bottoming when he had sex with men. Well, that and he loved cock. “Admit it, Vlad. You’re loving this. You love being fucked. You pretend to be straight—but you’re actually”—Sebastian slammed into him—“a total cock slut.”

Vlad moaned but stubbornly said nothing, even as his hips moved to meet Sebastian’s thrusts, powerful thighs enclosing Sebastian’s hips. God, he was so incredibly tight. Sebastian went still for a moment, reveling in the tightness around his cock and catching his breath.

Vlad made an inpatient noise. “Move.”

Sebastian stroked Vlad’s leaking cock lazily. “Gimme a moment. I’m tired.” It didn’t help that he could still feel the numerous bruises on his body.

“Such a princess,” Vlad said before rolling them and straddling Sebastian’s thighs. He sank back onto Sebastian’s cock with a relieved moan. God, the sight of him... Sebastian watched, transfixed, as Vlad’s big, muscular body rode his cock, Vlad’s head thrown back in ecstasy, his mouth slack, Vlad’s hard cock looking delicious against his six-pack. Sebastian stared at that beautiful cock hungrily, wishing he could do two things at once: fuck Vlad’s ass and ride that thick cock.

The thought made Sebastian arch and come so hard he cried out despite his efforts not to. Fuck, what if his parents had heard him?

Vlad pulled off his softening cock, breathing heavily, his own cock still hard as rock. Before Sebastian could manage a word, Vlad grabbed another condom, rolled it onto his cock and started slicking it up.

Oh. God, yes.

Sebastian sighed when Vlad threw his legs over his shoulders, bending him practically in half, and pushed inside him slowly. The stretch was uncomfortable but not painful—he was used to bottoming and didn’t need much prep—and before long Vlad was slamming into him, using him like a boneless rag doll, his body heavy and perfect on top of him. There was something about this, about just being on his back and taking it, that turned him on like nothing else could. He stared at the ceiling, panting, as the bed creaked under them. God, his parents were just down the corridor while he was fucked within an inch of his life by his homophobic bodyguard. But instead of killing his arousal, it seemed to intensify it even more, making him feel deliciously naughty and wicked.

By the time Vlad came, Sebastian was hard again. He whined when Vlad pulled his softening cock out.

“Who’s the cock slut now?” Vlad growled with a faint smirk, rolling off him.

Sebastian felt like hitting him. “I hate you,” he said with feeling.

“Do you?” Vlad said, stretching out on his sleeping bag.

“Asshole,” Sebastian said, closing his eyes and trying to ignore the vaguely dissatisfied, empty feeling in his ass. “For the record, I don’t have a crush on you.”

Vlad said nothing. His silence seemed almost mocking.

Sebastian breathed in and out, willing his arousal away. When he managed that, regret and shame came. He had promised himself not to let it happen again. He had promised. How could he be so weak?

Sebastian turned to his side, his back to Vlad, and curled into a ball.

Idiot. He was a bloody idiot.

Chapter 15

The drive to London was tense and silent. Sebastian turned up the radio while Vlad sat in the back seat, sunglasses hiding his expression. In his impeccable black suit, he seemed the definition of a perfect bodyguard. Except the perfect bodyguard wouldn’t fuck him and then spend hours in tense, charged silence. He and Vlad hadn’t exchanged a single word since they’d had sex last night. The morning was awkward enough with Sebastian’s parents blushing and avoiding looking at either of them. Julia had just sighed and shaken her head. The fact that she hadn’t made fun of him somehow made Sebastian feel worse—it meant his sister was genuinely worried.


