Just One More Touch Read Online W. Winters, Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 155
Estimated words: 145634 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 728(@200wpm)___ 583(@250wpm)___ 485(@300wpm)

None of it would have happened if I hadn’t sneaked out that night to meet him at Nina’s. It would have ended so much worse if Nathan hadn’t come.

The sound of crickets fills the car. I never noticed them before. They’re loud, but when I twist the keys in the ignition, turning it off, the sounds hesitate briefly then go back to chirping just as loudly as before.

Laying my head back, I finally try to think about what I need.

I just want to tell someone. I want someone to understand that I didn’t mean it.

I want Nathan to forgive me, rather than pretend like it didn’t happen.

That’s what hurts the most.

But even if he did forgive me, that wouldn’t make it okay.

I’m lost and alone. And that’s the worst feeling there ever is. It’s the one Nathan chose for the both of us. But I’m the one who chose it now.

I have to tell him something, I don’t know what though. Reaching into my bag, I feel around for my phone, but keep my eyes up and looking out of the window. A couple comes out of the liquor store, talking loudly and the sound of the crickets doesn’t let up. It seems they don’t mind the voices as they carry across the street. They’re no danger so far away.

My phone lights up as I turn it on and see three missed calls from my mom. My finger hovers over the callback button, but I give in.

I don’t have a plan and I know my mom will want me to come home. Not tonight though. I’ll just spend one night by myself in a hotel somewhere or drive back to the city, although I’m already starting to feel the weight of the last few weeks settle down on me.

Just one more night to try to get my head on right. Although I may just have to drive all the way back. I left most of my stuff there anyway. Might as well.

“Harlow, baby.” She picked up on the first ring. “How are you doing, baby girl?” I hear my dad yell in the background, “Tell our star I’m so proud of her.”

My voice hitches and I have to clear my throat as I talk into the phone. “I miss you, Mom,” I answer honestly and tap my finger on the wheel as I tell her, “I’m coming home tomorrow and didn’t want you to worry. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy.”

“Harlow, baby. I just want you to come home.”

“I don’t know what I want right now,” I say but add, “But I’ll be home tomorrow. Promise.”

“Well, you have time. Just do what makes you happy,” my mom says easily and I wish it was only that easy. “I do–I have some questions,” she says and I hear her voice waver.

“About what, Mom?” I ask her easily. As if I don’t have a clue.

“About a boy. Ashleigh said you did date him, Nathan Hart?” my mom says as if it’s a question.

“I did, Mom,” I tell her and nod my head. I’m surprised my voice is so upbeat and that I can pretend it’s alright.

“And what about now?” she asks me and I wish I had an answer for her. “The papers make it seem like--”

“The papers lie, Mom,” I tell her quickly and a little agitation slips out. “Can I tell you all about it tomorrow?” I ask her and I feel like I’m lying to her because I already know some of it I won’t tell her. And other bits I won’t have answers to.

“Sure, baby,” my mom says softly as if she knows how much I’m hurting.

“I love you, Mom,” I tell her as my emotions start to surface. “I have to go.”

“I love you too, Harlow,” she says but she’s already lost my attention. A car screeches to a stop in the middle of the road and then reverses. I hang up with my mom, letting the phone fall to the seat before jamming the keys forward and starting my car.

My heart races. Stupid, stupid.

Frantically, I look back at the car as it pulls into the lot. Even though his face is a mix of anger and worry, everything inside me settles and I drop my hand to my lap.

It’s Nathan. Even as he quickly parks the car and slams his door shut on his way to me, I don’t have an ounce of fear in me.

I don’t know how he found me, but he did.



“What the fuck are you doing here?” I practically scream as I rip the passenger side door open and slam it as I fall into the seat. She’s got to be out of her mind.

She wasn’t at her parents’ house, or her aunt’s on the other side of town. I thought maybe she’d go to the school. All Nancy said was that Hally wanted to go home. But I couldn’t find her anywhere.


