Just One More Touch Read Online W. Winters, Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 155
Estimated words: 145634 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 728(@200wpm)___ 583(@250wpm)___ 485(@300wpm)

I lift my head slowly, not quickly like I did last night. It was instinct then, but right now it’s a choice. My hand moves to her throat, but I simply let the backs of my fingers stroke lightly along her skin. The corners of my lips curve into a smile as a shiver runs down her body.

I have to hold back how much it turns me on when she shyly peeks up at the director, falling out of character and feeling self-conscious at how easily I’m playing her body.

I move my pointer finger up her throat to her chin, grabbing her attention and forcing those baby blues back onto me.

“I’ve been right here the whole time, sweetheart,” I say and brush the rough pad of my thumb along her lower lip. “Just tell me what you need and I’ll make sure you get it.”

Her shoulders rise and fall steadily as she looks back at me with those big doe eyes. Like she’s caught in a trance, or worse, needing to decide on which way to go. Play along with me, kiss me and keep pretending. Or break away and leave.

Kiss me. Please, Hally, give me what I need.

As if she read my mind, her hands fly to the side of my head and she crashes her soft lips against mine. I don’t waste a second, pulling her body across the desk, letting the papers scatter onto the floor; something else drops with them, causing a loud crash but I don’t bother to see what it was. Her body is so hot and soft, I slip one hand under her blouse and the other around her small waist, pulling her toward me and like the good girl she is, she spreads her legs for me.

I only break our kiss as I stand up, shoving her chest down so she’s pinned to the desk, her legs spread as she catches her breath and waits for me over her.

I reach up to loosen the tie that’s supposed to be in place. But I’m not dressed for this shoot and the moment I realize it, Stevens yells out, “Cut!”

Hally’s quick to sit up, to scramble off the desk, tugging her blouse down and brushing her lips with the back of her hand. I stare at her and she stares at the back wall of the set.

“Brilliant!” Stevens yells. “We have a new Miranda.”



Page Six of the New York Post

Heartthrob and former bad boy, Nathan Hart, is at it again. He’s making headlines, but for all the wrong reasons.

Born and raised in New York, Nathan hasn’t set foot on the East Coast since he left it nearly a decade ago, shortly after he was released from incarceration at only nineteen years old. He caught his biggest break being cast as the bad boy lead in the blockbuster hit, Cold Metal. He then had hit after hit portraying tortured souls on the big screen in LA, but back in NYC, he’s making his television debut on Night Fire.

Costarring with Julie Rays, it was rumored to be the biggest television hit this year.

But an altercation sent sparks flying amongst the entire cast. All because of a blast from his past, newbie actress, Harlow May. She’s made waves on the set, but not in the way you think.

Nathan is off his game and unable to do his job, according to costar Julie. Yet she’s the one who’s been demoted and the production is inundated with the sexual tension between Nathan and Miss May, the new star of the show.

Nathan’s declined to comment, but Harlow seems anxious to spill the beans on everything that happened between them so many years ago.

With an expunged criminal record from his youth and everything at stake, Mr. Hart may be playing with more fire than he can handle.

The steam from the shower floods into the main area of the dressing room as I open the bathroom door. I’m quick to shut it before it heats up the entire room. It’s Julie’s dressing room. Well, it used to be. She’s fired and now I’m her replacement.

I’m tired more than anything, although I feel a little sick over it all. This is a mess and a half and I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into. I just know it’s drama all the way around and I didn’t sign up for this.

But there isn’t a shot in hell that I’m going to leave.

September 24

I’m not leaving this car until he kisses me.

I refuse to be the first, but I also refuse to wait any longer.

Four days of flirting with him are enough for him to know that he can kiss me. My heart clenches at the thought that he doesn’t want to, which is a very real possibility.

“Alright,” he says, scratching the back of his head as we sit in front of my house in his old Honda Civic. He turns the volume to the music down and then puts a hand on the shifter. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says easily. I get the feeling that he’s waiting for this to end and I can’t let that happen. I know deep down inside of me that there’s something meant to be between us.


