Karma – The Serendipity Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 94512 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 378(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

“So, how’s it feel to be the lone bachelor in the family?” Sam asked.

“I’m happy for Ethan and Nash, but my life’s just fine the way it is. I need to get a bigger place, though.” Dare was living over Joe’s, having taken over Kelly’s sublease.

The apartment over the bar had become the family road stop. Faith had rented over Joe’s before she married Ethan and moved into the mansion, then Kelly had taken over her sublease until she’d married Nash. Now it was Dare’s turn to take over the small apartment until he found something more permanent.

Cara leaned back in her seat. “Did you ever consider buying? I know we’re young and all, but I know you’ve been saving and it’s a buyers’ market. There’s a condominium complex I’m looking at in Easton. It would take about ten minutes to drive to and from work, and it’s within the twenty-mile radius the department insists on. Want to check it out?”

Dare didn’t have to think twice. “Definitely.”

She nodded. “Okay, we’ll figure out something after work one day this week or next.”

“Well, well, if it isn’t all of my favorite police officers,” Faith said, walking up to the table.

Dare glanced up at his sister-in-law. “Hi, Faith. Kelly.” He smiled at the women. Since his friends knew his family and vice versa, no introductions were necessary. “What are you two doing here solo?”

Faith shrugged. “I thought we’d get together and discuss committee work, but I forgot it was Ladies’ Night. It’s so noisy I don’t think we’ll be getting much work done here.”

“What kind of committee?” Alexa asked.

“I’m the chairman of the Beautification Committee fundraiser this year.”

“Congratulations,” Cara said, more to be polite than because she cared at all. “What are you planning to do with the money this year? Plant more flowers in the center of town?” she deadpanned.

The center of town was overflowing with colorful beds and a bird fountain. It didn’t need another thing to complete its look.

Faith merely shook her head and grinned, obviously not insulted by Cara’s comment. Besides, Dare knew she was in complete agreement with the sentiment.

“Actually, we’re going to push for the money to go to a cause near and dear to all of your hearts. The youth center.”

“Get out!” Cara’s smile broadened. “I’d like to see the look on the rest of the committee members’ faces when you broach the idea. And for the thought alone, next round’s on me.” Cara finished her beer and rose to her feet. “What do you all want?”

“I’ll take a diet soda this time,” Alexa said.

“Just a club soda for me,” Faith said, turning to her sister-in-law. “Kelly?”

“Same as Cara, and thanks.”

Another thing Dare had come to appreciate about his brothers’ wives: no false pretenses for them. Especially not for Faith, who’d returned to town to regain a sense of self, not what her upbringing dictated.

He stretched in his seat, and Faith’s earlier words registered in his brain. “You said you’re meeting your assistants?” he asked Faith. “As in plural?”

“So Nash was right,” Faith said, her knowing stare on Dare. “You are interested in Liza!” His sister-in-law practically shouted her thoughts.

Dare shook his head and groaned. “Faith?” he asked through gritted teeth.


“Shut up. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.”

She patted him on the cheek. “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.” She glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, those people are getting up! Be a sweetheart and pull that table together with this one before someone else grabs it.”

Before Dare could reply, Sam did as she asked, and soon, his small group of three had become one of five, just as Cara returned with Joe, carrying drinks for the expanded table.

“I thought you said this was a business meeting,” Dare said to Faith.

“But I also said it was too noisy to work tonight.” Faith shrugged and shot him a smile, leaving his stomach in knots as he waited for Liza to show.

* * *

Liza didn’t usually hang out at Joe’s. Too many people and too much of a chance of running into her drunk brother, but Faith had insisted they meet there tonight. Although the other woman mentioned getting together to discuss the fundraiser, the sign outside the bar said LADIES’ NIGHT and the crowd she waded through was so thick that Liza figured little work would get done tonight.

She searched the bar area first but didn’t see Faith, though it was hard to tell at a glance. Then she worked her way around the room, checking individual tables. She caught sight of Faith’s blond hair and made her way over, only to discover Faith wasn’t alone. Nor was she just with her sister-in-law, Kelly.

No, Faith was sitting with Brian’s arresting officer, Sam Marsden, a cute woman Liza didn’t recognize, and the pretty cop who was even more attractive out of uniform and with her brown hair let down… and Dare.


