Last Day of My Life Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 94716 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

“Ahhh, sis, that’s probably not such a good idea. We men have big boy things to do. Why don’t you just go back to the house and bake some cookies. I’m sure that’ll cheer her up.” James said with a gleam to his eyes.

She picked up the nearest thing, which happened to be a box of tissues, and launched it at his head. The chair he was leaning back in tipped, and he crashed to the floor. “You’re such a girl. What kind of throw was that?” He wheezed.

This time she threw a book. It bounced off the side of his knee and skidded to a stop at Sam’s feet. “Jesus, where do you think Pru and Piper learn this shit?”

Cheyenne looked sheepish, but James was just amused. “Dude, the only thing they fight over right now are baby dolls. Just wait until your sister tries to steal your condoms.”

I wasn’t even going to touch that one, and by the look on Sam’s face, he wasn’t either. “Does Winter want to go?”

Cheyenne turned her gaze away from James sprawled form and turned to me. “We convinced her she would enjoy it. Really, I think she just needs to get drunk and forget.”

Forgetting did sound good, but I wouldn’t be imbibing until all of this shit was figured out. “Alright, let’s go.”


“What the hell is that sound? And why does everyone keep laughing every time it goes off?” Winter asked me.

I smiled at her. “I’ll tell you after you go to the bathroom.”

I relinquished her to the girls, and headed to the bar.

“Root beer.” I said to the bartender.

He didn’t blink an eye at my request. Most people that ordered the non-alcoholic drinks were the designated drivers. Which meant less work for him later on.

An hour and a half and three root beers later, I was scanning the crowd when I heard Gabe’s surprised voice.

“Holy shit.”

I turned and spewed my root bear in the direction he was looking, starting in surprise at what I saw. My feet were moving before my mind even caught up, heading for Winter before she fell or worse.

Dancing to Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy, Winter was in her element. Only she happened to be on top of the bar-high table with a shot glass in her hand. Her hair was a wild mess of red tangles flowing all around her.

Her shirt was pulled up, baring the creamy smooth skin of her stomach, as well as a peek of the tattoo on her side. Her jeans were low riders that would be lucky not to show her ass crack if she bent over. Which she was now doing, since she was ‘dropping it down low’ at Cheyenne’s request.

Reaching up, I grabbed her around the waist and hauled her down, letting the length of her body slide sensually against mine, all the way until her feet hit the floor. “Jackopa! Just the man I wanted to see!” She screamed and threw her arms around my neck.

“I have to pee!” She yelled, then went off in the direction of the bathroom.

I followed closely behind smiling like a lovesick fool, and waited in line with her until it was her turn. She spent three minutes in there before emerging with a small smile on her lips.

I grinned at her, then pulled her into the men’s room to show her what I was talking about earlier.

A few men gave me odd looks, but continued their business as I pulled Winter to the wall that showed the nearly naked woman with a hanging cloth covering the breasts. “Hey! We have one of these in the girl’s restroom, too! Except ours is a ripped guy with a piece of cloth covering his dick area instead.”

I laughed, but showed Winter what all the laughter was about each time the bell rang. Lifting my hand, I pulled up the cloth covering the woman’s breast, and a loud dinging sounded throughout the bar, followed, shortly, by rowdy laughter.

Winter’s face went into a comical “O” shape, and then she erupted into laughter herself. “How funny!” Then her eyes went wide. “I didn’t look at mine! I swear!

I laughed at her. “I know, otherwise we would’ve heard the same ding.”

I held her hand as we exited the men’s room, and led her to the table where the girls finally sat to have a breather. Blaine’s hair was a tangled mess, cheeks pink, and she was fidgeting in her chair. Elliott was disheveled as well, and judging by the satisfied look on his face, sex was probably the reason for it.

We’d just made it to the outskirts of the table to hear Sam telling the group about his daughter.

“So Pru hugged me the other day, and as soon as she got her hands around my neck she says ‘I’m gonna cut your head off.’” Sam yelled over the din of the bar.

The table was silent after they digested that juicy bit of information. That is, until Winter decided to enter the conversation.

“Holy shit! That kid’s gonna be a badass like you!” She said gleefully.

Everybody laughed nervously at first, but then it turned into genuine affection for the little girl. Sam’s twins were terrors, and hell on wheels to boot.

“Janie and I were watching The Hulk on Netflix last week when she said ‘Hulk Smash’ and slammed her fists into both balls with perfect precision. I swear to God I was seeing double for a fucking hour.” James recounted, eyes pained as he remembered the incident.

Laughter filled the air, and everyone continued telling stories of their kids. I felt a pang of resentment fill me as I thought about what would be my six-year-old child. She’d be a year older than Janie right now, and that was a punch to the gut.

I didn’t want to think about it in the least.

Thankfully, a distraction in whore’s clothing showed scant seconds later.

“Hoe alert. Five o’clock.” Blaine bellowed and pointed.

“That would be eight o’clock, dear.” Elliott corrected and then laughed.

Blaine extended her middle finger, then the other for good measure.


