Learning to Grow – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78043 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

With one hand playing with my shaft and the other exploring lower, I was moaning too before they’d even had time to pause to breathe.

Glimpses of questions and complaints I’d seen online talking about how one person always felt left out flashed through my mind, but I couldn’t relate at all. Even if them kissing hadn’t been the sexiest sight ever, they never made me feel like I’d been forgotten.

Maybe my partners just multi-tasked better than other people’s?

That seemed part of it when they finally broke apart to get air and Joel kept rubbing me as he went back to kissing my neck. “I can’t wait to see you fuck him, Master, but can I lick his cock while your penis is inside him?”

My vote was yes, but he nibbled and squeezed just hard enough to turn my brain off. He knew it too because he giggled and did a little happy dance behind me as my brain turned back on. “Oh, he likes a tiny bit of pain. He’s so sexy.”

If that was what he considered a little bit, I wasn’t going to ask what his highest limit was. But as my mind cleared and I rocked back against him, I decided that I might be okay with watching it as long as he didn’t explain it in too much detail for me.

“Master…” Moaning against my ear, Joel pouted. “He’s teasing me.”


Tate flashed us both a wicked grin. “And I love seeing it.”

Before Joel could decide the best tactic to get whatever he’d decided he wanted, Tate took things up a notch as he reached for my shirt. “And let’s see more of it.”

“Oh yes. Naked time.” Joel didn’t seem to mind the change of plans and enthusiastically agreed with Tate because his hands quickly shifted to my pants and I was half-naked with my pants at my thighs before I could blink. “We’re going to look so cute for you, Master.”

I wasn’t sure if cute was the word I’d have used, but Tate’s hungry expression as he tossed my shirt on the couch said he liked the picture we made no matter what Joel called it.

“It just keeps getting better and better.” Hands caressing over my chest, Tate leaned in and gave me a soft kiss that didn’t last nearly long enough. “Slut, push his briefs down. I want to see more of my boys.”

My body flashed hot and cold as Joel’s helpful fingers peeled my underwear down, but I moaned as my dick finally escaped. I didn’t even mind Tate’s chuckle at my expense because it felt so good to be free. It even earned me another kiss and as he pulled back, he reached down and gave his own erection a squeeze. “Oh, trust me. I understand how good that feels.”

“You two need to be naked more.” Joel leaned around us and frowned at my dick. “You’re both ridiculous. They need to breathe.”


I wasn’t going to ask.

I was, however, going to moan as his hand came back to my cock and started stroking it with a painfully soft touch. “That’s…I’m…”


I was something and he was distracting and annoying because he giggled. “That feels good and I’m sexy? Thank you.”

He made himself laugh even more when he kissed my cheek and aimed for an adorably innocent expression. “I like making you happy.”

That was only half right.

“You also like looking very innocent and having your Master watching you touching me.” How I managed to get a full sentence out, I’d never know, but it made Tate laugh as Joel nodded and giggled.

“There are so many plusses.” Giving me another cheek kiss because he knew how cute he looked, Joel pushed his still covered dick against my naked ass. “And there are going to be a lot when Master fucks you.”

Joel decided to be helpful and explain a few of them as Tate kept massaging his cock through his pants. “You’re going to feel nice and full. I’m going to like watching you. Tate’s going to like that I’m watching him. He’s going to like seeing me watch you. I’m going to love how you moan and how happy you’re going to be. And hopefully, I’m going to get to give you penis kisses and taste you when you come.”

He could make anything sound dirty and innocent at the same time.

I was pretty sure it was a skill he’d been practicing, but at the moment, I was just glad he’d decided to aim all that sexy crazy at us.

Chapter 17


“I’m going to like you watching me too.” Dean’s response would’ve sounded slightly insane in any other conversation but it made complete sense when it came to talking to Joel.

I couldn’t decide if the brat had been deliberately manipulating Dean or not, but I was glad Dean could sort through what Joel had said and make some logic out of it.


