Learning to Grow – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78043 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

He’d definitely gotten a new lecture from his parents.

I was guessing his dad, but it could’ve been either one.

“First of all, I’m glad you told me what you wanted.” I didn’t want that to ever change. “Secondly, you aren’t being greedy because you’ve been very reasonable with your expectations and you’ve been helping me to brainstorm.”

He hadn’t done as badly as he seemed to think.

“Lastly, I would like to stay here for the summer with you and Tate as long as we can work it out.” It’d also give my parents a bit of space after I explained a bit more about what was going on in my life. They weren’t going to do anything drastic but they were going to be slightly offensive and ask stupid questions.

“We’d be more like real partners living together without having to go to class.” Doing another happy wiggle, Joel’s excitement made me grin. “We’ll be grown-ups.”

I wouldn’t go that far, but it’d be interesting.

I also wasn’t sure what being a grown-up meant to Joel under those circumstances, but if it was anything like the rest of our dinner, I was going to stand by my interesting vote.

He sat straight.

He was polite.

He talked about the future.

He discussed goals and where we should take our first vacation.

It was like watching a method actor learn to be an adult and it was completely charming. Fake as hell. But it was adorable and the most fun I’d ever had on a date.

But thankfully, it was over once we made it home and he bounced into the apartment. “Master, I was wonderful on our grown-up date and made small talk and we had good conversations.”

Tate was doing his best not to laugh as he wrapped his arms around our wiggly sub. “I’m so proud of you. Did you have fun being on a grown-up date with your Daddy?”

Yeah, he wasn’t big enough for me to be Dean any longer.

“Yes. I was such a good boy and I gave him good attention and we made plans for the summer, so now I don’t have to worry.” That sparked a new memory for him because he bounced and sucked in a breath. “I’m worry special and so are you. We’re amazing and he loves us so much he worries about us more than his second family. We’re the first ones now.”

Tate went still for a second before he smiled wider and nodded. “We’re worry special? Yeah, I think that means he loves us very much.”

For fuck’s sake.

My well-planned-out romantic dinner and declaration just went out the window, but Joel was so happy, I took it in stride. I also couldn’t be frustrated when Tate was the one who looked stunned and slightly confused. It was usually my role and it was fun getting to see him going through it.

“Come tell him, Daddy.” Joel didn’t seem to realize I hadn’t told him yet either, but I wasn’t sure the logistics of the conversation mattered to him.

He was worry special and not afraid to share how important that was.

Chuckling, I couldn’t think of a good response to give that didn’t sound ridiculous or sarcastic, so I gave both of them kisses instead of trying to find words. Joel just sucked up the attention as we sandwiched him between us, but Tate was doing his best not to laugh.

I could see his terrible sense of humor shining from his eyes but he managed to keep most of his commentary to himself as he teased me. “Do you have something to tell me?”

“You’re worry special.” I couldn’t resist teasing him back. “I’m glad you understand how important that is.”

Tate’s hand wandered lower and squeezed my ass, but his eyes were still sparkling. “Thank you for making me feel special.”

“And loved.” Joel was nearly bouncing he was so excited. “We’re the most important family to him.”

Tate raised one eyebrow, giving me the impression he needed a translator. But I didn’t want Joel to feel like he hadn’t explained the situation, so I gave him another kiss and nodded. “Yes, you’re both now the people who are the most important to me and you’re the first group of people I consider family.”

I couldn’t decide when that had changed, but at some point, they’d grown from friends to so much more, and I wasn’t going to hide that from them.

“And as my first family, I love you very much.” Yeah, not quite as romantic without the nice dinner and flowers, but Joel’s excitement lit up the room better than candles.

“I love you too and so does Tate.” Joel’s helpfulness knew no bounds. “He loves being worry special and thinks you’re amazing. Me too.”

His confidence when it came to us knew no bounds either.

“He thinks you’re spankings and pain special.” Those two made me have the weirdest conversations, but Joel lit up like a Christmas tree.


